Como Uma Pessoa Salvou Mais De 2.000 Crianças Dos Nazistas – Iseult Gillespie

Como Uma Pessoa Salvou Mais De 2.000 Crianças Dos Nazistas – Iseult Gillespie

In Warsaw, late October 1943,

Em Varsóvia, no final de outubro de 1943,

Irena Sendler and Janina Grabowska were enjoying a rare moment of peace

Irena Sendler e Janina Grabowska estavam desfrutando de um raro momento de paz

in their war-torn city.

em sua cidade devastada pela guerra.

But their laughter froze when they heard the Gestapo pounding on Sendler's door.

Mas suas risadas congelaram quando ouviram a Gestapo batendo na porta de Sendler.

Sendler rushed to the window to dispose of incriminating evidence...

Sendler correu até a janela para descartar evidências incriminatórias...

only to see more police patrolling below.

apenas para ver mais policiais patrulhando abaixo.

Knowing she was minutes from arrest,

Sabendo que ela estava a minutos da prisão,

she tossed Janina her most dangerous possession:

ela jogou para Janina seu bem mais perigoso:

a glass jar containing the names of over 2,000 Jewish children

um frasco de vidro contendo os nomes de mais de 2.000 crianças judias

she'd smuggled to safety.

ela havia contrabandeado para um lugar seguro.

This arrest wasn't the first consequence Sendler had faced

Esta prisão não foi a primeira consequência que Sendler enfrentou

in her lifelong crusade against anti-Semitism.

em sua cruzada ao longo da vida contra o antissemitismo.

Born to Catholic parents in 1910, she grew up in a predominantly Jewish town

Nascida de pais católicos em 1910, ela cresceu em uma cidade predominantemente judaica

where her father treated poor Jewish patients other doctors refused to help.

onde seu pai tratava de pacientes judeus pobres, outros médicos se recusavam a ajudar.

Irena was furious at the constant discrimination against her Jewish friends.

Irena ficou furiosa com a constante discriminação contra seus amigos judeus.

As a graduate student in social welfare at the University of Warsaw,

Como estudante de pós-graduação em assistência social na Universidade de Varsóvia,

Sendler publicly denounced the segregation of classrooms

Sendler denunciou publicamente a segregação das salas de aula

and defaced her non-Jewish identity card...

e desfigurou sua carteira de identidade não judia...

earning her a suspension and a reputation for troublemaking.

o que lhe rendeu uma suspensão e uma reputação de encrenqueira.

Buoyed by her socialist ideals and inspired by her fellow social workers,

Encorajada pelos seus ideais socialistas e inspirada pelos seus colegas assistentes sociais,

Sendler assisted vulnerable Jewish families across Warsaw,

Sendler ajudou famílias judias vulneráveis em Varsóvia,

pushing back on the waves of anti-Semitism surging through Europe.

reprimindo as ondas de antissemitismo que surgiam na Europa.

But in September 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland,

Mas em setembro de 1939, a Alemanha nazista invadiu a Polônia,

bringing laws that further eroded Jewish rights.

trazendo leis que erodiram ainda mais os direitos dos judeus.

In 1940, Hitler announced that hundreds of thousands of Jews in Warsaw

Em 1940, Hitler anunciou que centenas de milhares de judeus em Varsóvia

were to be forced into just over one square mile of land.

seriam forçados a ocupar pouco mais de uma milha quadrada de terra.

Bordered by high walls and subject to constant surveillance,

Cercada por altos muros e sujeita a vigilância constante,

families living in the Warsaw Ghetto quickly became starving and sick.

famílias que viviam no Gueto de Varsóvia rapidamente ficaram famintas e doentes.

Appalled, Sendler and her colleagues secured passes to the ghetto

Chocadas, Sendler e seus colegas garantiram passes para o gueto

on the pretense of checking for typhus outbreaks.

sob o pretexto de verificar surtos de tifo.

At first, her group worked to smuggle in resources

No início, seu grupo trabalhou para contrabandear recursos

with the help of sympathetic Polish officials and the medical underground.

com a ajuda de autoridades polonesas simpáticas e da resistência médica clandestina.

But as desperate parents began sending their children through sewers

Mas quando pais desesperados começaram a enviar seus filhos para os esgotos

and over walls,

and over walls,

it became clear that to help these people survive,

it became clear that to help these people survive,

Sendler needed to help them escape.

Sendler needed to help them escape.

Sendler and her associates developed a coordinated campaign of rescue missions.

Sendler and her associates developed a coordinated campaign of rescue missions.

Children were bundled into dirty laundry, packed into boxes on cargo trains,

Children were bundled into dirty laundry, packed into boxes on cargo trains,

and carried beneath the Gestapo's noses in coffins, toolboxes, and briefcases.

and carried beneath the Gestapo's noses in coffins, toolboxes, and briefcases.

Bigger children escaped through the courthouse and church,

Bigger children escaped through the courthouse and church,

which straddled the ghetto's boundaries.

which straddled the ghetto's boundaries.

Sendler helped ferry these children to safe houses,

Sendler helped ferry these children to safe houses,

before forging them new documents and sending them to orphanages,

before forging them new documents and sending them to orphanages,

convents, and foster families across Poland.

convents, and foster families across Poland.

To retain their Jewish identities and keep track of every child,

To retain their Jewish identities and keep track of every child,

Sendler kept painstaking records on thin cigarette paper

Sendler kept painstaking records on thin cigarette paper

and stored them in glass jars.

and stored them in glass jars.

This work was punishable by death.

This work was punishable by death.

But for Sendler, such consequences paled in comparison

But for Sendler, such consequences paled in comparison

to the pain of convincing parents to part with their children...

to the pain of convincing parents to part with their children...

often with no promise of a reunion.

often with no promise of a reunion.

In 1942, the Nazis began transporting Jews from the ghetto

In 1942, the Nazis began transporting Jews from the ghetto

into concentration camps.

into concentration camps.

Sendler worked with new urgency,

Sendler worked with new urgency,

joining forces with the Nazi resistance group called Zegota.

joining forces with the Nazi resistance group called Zegota.

Zegota helped Sendler expand her operation by stashing money for her

Zegota helped Sendler expand her operation by stashing money for her

in post boxes across Warsaw.

in post boxes across Warsaw.

But this system would also be Sendler's downfall.

But this system would also be Sendler's downfall.

When the Gestapo threatened a laundry owner whose business

When the Gestapo threatened a laundry owner whose business

contained a Zegota post box,

contained a Zegota post box,

she gave them Sendler's name.

she gave them Sendler's name.

At 3am on October 20th, the Gestapo burst into Sendler's apartment,

At 3am on October 20th, the Gestapo burst into Sendler's apartment,

arresting her for aiding Jews throughout the country.

arresting her for aiding Jews throughout the country.

The police had captured Sendler, but her records remained safe.

The police had captured Sendler, but her records remained safe.

Janina protected the children's names with her life,

Janina protected the children's names with her life,

all without knowing whether her friend would ever return.

all without knowing whether her friend would ever return.

Despite enduring months of physical and psychological torture,

Despite enduring months of physical and psychological torture,

Sendler betrayed no information.

Sendler betrayed no information.

Defiant to the end, she was sentenced to execution on January 20th, 1944.

Defiant to the end, she was sentenced to execution on January 20th, 1944.

But as she walked to her death, a German officer diverted her course.

Mas enquanto ela caminhava para a morte, um oficial alemão desviou seu curso.

Zegota had paid the Gestapo the modern equivalent of over $100,000

Zegota pagou à Gestapo o equivalente moderno de mais de US$ 100.000

for Sendler's release.

pela libertação de Sendler.

That night as she listened to bullhorns proclaiming her death,

Naquela noite, enquanto ela ouvia os megafones proclamando sua morte,

Sendler's work began anew.

O trabalho de Sendler começou de novo.

Remaining in hiding, she continued to oversee Zegota's rescue missions

Permanecendo escondida, ela continuou a supervisionar as missões de resgate de Zegota

until Germany's defeat in 1945.

até a derrota da Alemanha em 1945.

After the war, Sendler reconnected with the children she'd helped escape,

Após a guerra, Sendler reconectou-se com as crianças que ajudou a escapar,

remaining in contact with many for the rest of her life.

permanecendo em contato com muitos pelo resto de sua vida.

And while the new Polish government sought to suppress her story,

E enquanto o novo governo polonês tentava suprimir a sua história,

the children she rescued ensured she was recognized for her work.

as crianças que ela resgatou garantiram que ela fosse reconhecida por seu trabalho.

Yet despite all the lives she saved,

No entanto, apesar de todas as vidas que ela salvou,

Sendler remained hesitant to accept praise for her actions, remarking,

Sendler permaneceu hesitante em aceitar elogios por suas ações, observando:

“I continue to have qualms of conscience that I did so little.”

“Continuo com remorsos de consciência por ter feito tão pouco.”

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