Os Momentos Mais Caóticos Da Loud Familys | The Loud House

Os Momentos Mais Caóticos Da Loud Familys | The Loud House

Okay, Clyde, allow me to introduce Lincoln Loud's

Ok, Clyde, deixe-me apresentar o Lincoln Loud's

three C's of big brothering, confidence, caring,

três C's de big brothering, confiança, cuidado,

and when all else fails, cookies.

e quando tudo mais falha, biscoitos.

Snickerdoodles. My favorite!

Snickerdoodles. Meu favorito!

Uh uh uh. Those aren't for us.

Uh uh uh. Essas não são para nós.

Now time to start my rounds so you can observe

Agora é hora de começar minhas rondas para que você possa observar

the three C's in action.

os três C's em ação.

Hear that? First big brother cue of the day!

Ouviu isso? Primeiro sinal do Big Brother do dia!

First up. Confidence.

Primeiro. Confiança.

Don't worry, Lily, your big brother's here to help.

Não se preocupe, Lily, seu irmão mais velho está aqui para ajudar.

Let's get a look at that thumb of yours.

Vamos dar uma olhada nesse seu polegar.

Just what I thought, a boo boo. This calls for caring.

Exatamente o que eu pensava, um boo boo. Isso exige cuidado.

Oh, I'm sorry you got such a bad ouchie,

Ah, sinto muito que você tenha ficado tão dolorido,

but we can make it better.

mas podemos melhorar.

Wow! You didn't even need a cookie.

Uau! Você nem precisava de um biscoito.


O que é Kiki?

Sometimes it's safer to spell.

Às vezes é mais seguro soletrar.

Lana! Stop it!

Lana! Pare com isso!

Make me!

Me faz!

Sounds like a twin fight. This should be very educational.

Parece uma briga de gêmeos. Isso deve ser muito educativo.

All right, Clyde, what do you think we need here?

Tudo bem, Clyde, o que você acha que precisamos aqui?

Um, confidence?

Hum, confiança?

What seems to be the problem?

Qual parece ser o problema?

Lana's supposed to be guarding my princess tower,

Lana deveria estar guardando minha torre de princesa,

not attacking it! Now Lana...

não atacando! Agora Lana...

Guarding is boring. Attacking is cool!

Guardar é chato. Atacar é legal!

Clyde. Any guesses? Um, caring?

Clyde. Algum palpite? Hum, se importando?

I think I know a compromise that will make you both happy.

Acho que conheço um meio-termo que deixará vocês dois felizes.

The evil troll's attacking your tower.

O troll maligno está atacando sua torre.

Roar! Get him!

Rugido! Pegue-o!

Nice. And once again,

Legal. E mais uma vez,

you didn't need the C-O-O-K-I-E-S.

você não precisava dos COOKIES.

The troll's got cookies!

O troll tem biscoitos!

Another tip...

Outra dica...

Six-year olds can spell.

Crianças de seis anos sabem soletrar.

I need a cookie!

Preciso de um biscoito!

Elder brother, I require your assistance.

Irmão mais velho, preciso de sua ajuda.

What can I help you with, Lisa? Lab explosion? Nuclear crisis?

Em que posso ajudar, Lisa? Explosão de laboratório? Crise nuclear?

No. I have a hankering for a PB and J.

Não. Estou com vontade de comer um sanduíche de pasta de amendoim e geleia.

Coming right up.

Já está chegando.

I can isolate uranium,

Eu posso isolar urânio,

but they won't let me use a butter knife.

mas eles não me deixam usar uma faca de manteiga.

Also, I like the way Lincoln makes my sandwiches.

Também gosto do jeito que Lincoln faz meus sanduíches.

Here you go. Easy on the jelly,

Aqui está. Cuidado com a geleia,

crusts cut off, and sliced into four right triangles

crostas cortadas e fatiadas em quatro triângulos retângulos

for optimum mouth fit.

para um ajuste ideal na boca.

Thank you. Technically, they're isosceles,

Obrigado. Tecnicamente, eles são isósceles,

but I'm not gonna bite the hand that feeds me.

mas não vou morder a mão que me alimenta.

Hey, Lincoln, could you help me with a poem for school?

Ei, Lincoln, você pode me ajudar com um poema para a escola?

I need a rhyme for tomb.

Preciso de uma rima para túmulo.

Gloom. Doom. Powder room?

Escuridão. Perdição. Banheiro?

I knew I could depend on you.

Eu sabia que podia contar com você.

Do I smell snickerdoodles?

Sinto cheiro de snickerdoodles?

It's a real pleasure to watch a master at work.

É um verdadeiro prazer observar um mestre trabalhando.

Eh, I've had a lot of practice.

É, eu tenho muita prática.

Give it! No! You give it!

Dê! Não! Você dá!

You ready to get some practice, too?

Você está pronto para praticar também?

Heck, yes!

Claro que sim!

Okay, Clyde. Confidence.

Certo, Clyde. Confiança.

Hey, guys, do you think you could just...

Ei, pessoal, vocês acham que poderiam simplesmente...

Ow, that was my foot!

Ai, esse era meu pé!

What seems to be the problem here?

Qual parece ser o problema aqui?

You? Where's Lincoln?

Você? Onde está Lincoln?

I'm temporarily filling in for him

Estou temporariamente substituindo-o

and would be happy to help you settle your differences.

e ficaremos felizes em ajudar você a resolver suas diferenças.

Lisa stole my best rat, Bitey. Who's Bitey?

Lisa roubou meu melhor rato, Bitey. Quem é Bitey?

This is subject 57A.

Este é o assunto 57A.

Uh, well, you both seem attached to it,

Uh, bem, vocês dois parecem apegados a isso,

and I want to be fair.

e eu quero ser justo.

Hey, Clyde, I need advice.

Olá, Clyde, preciso de um conselho.

How do you know you've met your soulmate?

Como você sabe que encontrou sua alma gêmea?

Oh, uh. Wow. That's some serious stuff.

Oh, uh. Uau. Isso é coisa séria.

How much time do you have? Lincoln!

Quanto tempo você tem? Lincoln!

Clyde! Help me choreograph my ribbon dance.

Clyde! Me ajude a coreografar minha dança da fita.

Hold on a sec, Lucy.

Espere um segundo, Lucy.

Did Lincoln even go over ribbon dancing?

Lincoln chegou a falar sobre a dança das fitas?



Just another minute, Lucy. Hang on, Lola.

Só mais um minuto, Lucy. Espera aí, Lola.



No, no, no, no, no. Wait.

Não, não, não, não, não. Espere.

It's all okay. Shh! Shh!

Está tudo bem. Shh! Shh!

Just take the cookies!

Pegue só os biscoitos!

What? You know what happens when you make Lola mad!

O quê? Você sabe o que acontece quando você deixa a Lola brava!

I don't know what she wants you to do,

Eu não sei o que ela quer que você faça,

but you better figure it out.

mas é melhor você descobrir.

Did I ever tell you about the frog fiasco?

Já te contei sobre o fiasco do sapo?

Do I want to know about the frog fiasco?

Eu quero saber sobre o fiasco do sapo?

Oh, you're a burpy-derpy today.

Ah, você está um pouco arroxeado hoje.

Isn't he the cutest?

Ele não é a coisa mais fofa?

So cute!

Tão fofo!

Who's hungry? Seymour? Where'd you go?

Quem está com fome? Seymour? Aonde você foi?



I mean, I can't prove she took out Seymour,

Quer dizer, não posso provar que ela matou Seymour,

but I never saw him again.

mas nunca mais o vi.

Lana, what am I gonna do? It's almost three.

Lana, o que eu vou fazer? São quase três.

You gotta help me.

Você tem que me ajudar.

Okay, okay. Take it easy.

Ok, ok. Calma.

I know, why don't you just think of everything she might

Eu sei, por que você simplesmente não pensa em tudo que ela pode

want you to do and then do it.

quer que você faça e então faça.

Everything? Remember Seymour.

Tudo? Lembra do Seymour.

Why does Lola care whether the gutters are clean?

Por que Lola se importa se as calhas estão limpas?

I know. It's crazy, right?

Eu sei. É loucura, né?

Lola does love a smooth driveway.

Lola adora uma entrada de veículos lisa.

Phew! I did it!

Ufa! Eu consegui!

One minute to three. Good luck Lincoln.

Um minuto para as três. Boa sorte, Lincoln.

Wait. Where are you going?

Espere. Aonde você vai?

Somewhere safe. You know, just in case.

Em algum lugar seguro. Você sabe, só por precaução.

Lincoln, it's 3:00. You failed me!

Lincoln, são 3:00. Você me reprovou!

You know what happens when you make Lola mad?

Você sabe o que acontece quando você deixa a Lola brava?

I'm sorry. I would have done what you asked me.

Desculpe. Eu teria feito o que você me pediu.

But I didn't hear you. I was wearing these.

Mas eu não ouvi você. Eu estava usando isso.

All I heard was the sound of waves.

Tudo o que ouvi foi o som das ondas.

Or was it crickets? Doesn't matter.

Ou eram grilos? Não importa.

The thing is... I know you didn't hear me.

A questão é... eu sei que você não me ouviu.



You're not as clever as you think, Lincoln Loud!

Você não é tão inteligente quanto pensa, Lincoln Loud!

Lincoln! Is this too much mascara?

Lincoln! Isso é muito rímel?

Be honest. It's super, super, super important.

Seja honesto. É super, super, super importante.

Ah! I couldn't agree more.

Ah! Não poderia concordar mais.

Agree with what?

Concorda com o quê?

Right back at you!

De volta para você!

Okay, you're weird.

Ok, você é estranho.

So, Lincoln, are you the biggest dork in the world?

Então, Lincoln, você é o maior idiota do mundo?

You can say that again!

Você pode dizer isso de novo!

And do you love the taste of dog poop?

E você ama o sabor de cocô de cachorro?

You know it!

Você sabe disso!

So he's been tuning us out all day?

Então ele não nos deu atenção o dia todo?

No wonder he didn't help me restring my guitar.

Não é de se espantar que ele não tenha me ajudado a trocar as cordas do meu violão.

Or come to my séance.

Ou venha à minha sessão espírita.

And that's why he didn't laugh at my jokes!

E é por isso que ele não riu das minhas piadas!

Yeah, that's why.

Sim, é por isso.

I'm gonna go rip out those earbuds and...

Vou arrancar esses fones de ouvido e...

Oh, no, no. I've got a better plan.

Ah, não, não. Tenho um plano melhor.

So all that stuff you guys made me do today,

Então, todas essas coisas que vocês me fizeram fazer hoje,

that was all made up? Yep.

isso foi tudo inventado? Sim.

I can't believe you guys pranked me like that.

Não acredito que vocês me pregaram uma peça dessas.

You had it coming, little bro.

Você mereceu, irmãozinho.

You can't just ignore us. We're your family.

Você não pode simplesmente nos ignorar. Nós somos sua família.

And remember, you're not the only one who has

E lembre-se, você não é o único que tem

to live in a noisy house.

viver em uma casa barulhenta.

We all do.

Todos nós fazemos isso.

True. Lincoln! Lincoln!

Verdade. Lincoln! Lincoln!

You were supposed to help me with my lab experiment.

Você deveria me ajudar com meu experimento de laboratório.

Okay, Lisa, you can give it a rest.

Certo, Lisa, pode deixar isso de lado.

I know all about your little joke.

Eu sei tudo sobre sua piadinha.

What joke?

Que piada?

I'm gonna need those.

Vou precisar deles.

Now I can't hear anything!

Agora não consigo ouvir nada!

Welcome to the Little Miss Prim and Perfect Pageant.

Bem-vindas ao concurso Little Miss Prim and Perfect.

I'm your host, Donnie Dufresne!

Eu sou seu anfitrião, Donnie Dufresne!

Let's meet America's Junior Sweethearts.

Vamos conhecer as queridinhas da América.

Hailing from Royal Woods, Miss Lola Loud!

Vinda de Royal Woods, Srta. Lola Loud!

What is going on?

O que está acontecendo?

I'd like to thank my coach and brother, Lincoln!

Gostaria de agradecer ao meu treinador e irmão, Lincoln!

Lincoln? I should have known.

Lincoln? Eu deveria saber.

And I just want to say it is great to be here.

E eu só quero dizer que é ótimo estar aqui.

Sorry you were downwind of that, Donnie.

Sinto muito que você tenha ido na direção do vento, Donnie.

They're ruining me, and they will pay!

Eles estão me arruinando e vão pagar!

Woot! Sports channel, here I come.

Uhuu! Canal de esportes, aí vou eu.

Lana, what were you thinking?

Lana, o que você estava pensando?

Remember what Gil says.

Lembre-se do que Gil diz.

"If you belch on stage, the judges will rage."

"Se você arrotar no palco, os jurados ficarão furiosos."

Gil actually has a rhyme for that?

Gil realmente tem uma rima para isso?

That's why he's a pageant powerhouse.

É por isso que ele é um fenômeno nos concursos de beleza.

Now, the evening gown competition is next.

Agora, a próxima é a competição de vestidos de noite.

If we want to win those tickets,

Se quisermos ganhar esses bilhetes,

we cannot afford any more slip ups.

não podemos nos dar ao luxo de mais deslizes.

Oh, hang on everybody.

Ah, esperem todos.

Loose floorboard!

Tábua do assoalho solta!

That'll hold. Carry on!

Isso vai aguentar. Continue!

Lana! What was that?

Lana! O que foi isso?

We talked about the tools!

Nós falamos sobre as ferramentas!

I couldn't help it! Fixing stuff is what I do.

Não consegui evitar! Consertar coisas é o que eu faço.

You're supposed to be prim and perfect.

Você deve ser formal e perfeita.

Now, do you want to go to Dairyland

Agora, você quer ir para Dairyland

and get hit in the face with your own barf or not?

e ser atingido no rosto pelo seu próprio vômito ou não?

I know you can do this. The interview's next.

Eu sei que você consegue fazer isso. A entrevista é a próxima.

Go out there and nail it!

Vá lá e arrase!

Not with that.

Não com isso.

Lola, what can six-year-olds do to eliminate the national debt?

Lola, o que crianças de seis anos podem fazer para eliminar a dívida nacional?



No, no, no, no, no...

Não, não, não, não, não...

Plenty, Donnie.

Bastante, Donnie.

Just because we're six doesn't mean we can't make a difference.

Só porque temos seis anos não significa que não podemos fazer a diferença.



Lana! What is the problem?

Lana! Qual é o problema?

We went over everything in Gil's book,

Nós revisamos tudo no livro de Gil,

and the companion DVD, and the podcast!

e o DVD complementar e o podcast!

How are you still not getting it?

Como você ainda não entendeu?

I'm sorry. Lincoln, no matter what I do,

Sinto muito. Lincoln, não importa o que eu faça,

I can't be prim and perfect like these girls.

Não posso ser afetada e perfeita como essas garotas.

Maybe there's something wrong with me.

Talvez haja algo errado comigo.

Lana, wait!

Lana, espera!

There's nothing wrong with you. I'm the one who messed up.

Não há nada de errado com você. Eu sou o único que estraguei tudo.

I got so caught up in winning those tickets,

Fiquei tão envolvido em ganhar aqueles bilhetes,

I turned into Gil Delily,

Eu me transformei em Gil Delily,

who, when you stop to think about it,

que, quando você para para pensar,

probably needs to get a life.

provavelmente precisa de uma vida.

Yeah, but still, why can't I be like them?

Sim, mas ainda assim, por que não posso ser como eles?

Because you're you.

Porque você é você.

You're messy and muddy and keep a lot of reptiles in your pants.

Você é bagunceiro e sujo e guarda muitos répteis nas calças.

But that's what makes you awesome.

Mas é isso que faz você incrível.

And I was crazy to try and change you.

E eu estava louco para tentar mudar você.

Aww... Thanks, Lincoln.

Ah... Obrigado, Lincoln.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Senhoras e senhores,

Miss Lola Loud and her fabulous ribbon dance!

Senhorita Lola Loud e sua fabulosa dança da fita!

Well. That's me. I'll do my best.

Bem. Sou eu. Vou fazer o meu melhor.

Forget the ribbon dance.

Esqueça a dança da fita.

Why don't you go do your own talent?

Por que você não vai fazer seu próprio talento?

Really? Okay, but we can kiss those Dairyland tickets goodbye.

Sério? Ok, mas podemos dar adeus aos ingressos do Dairyland.

I don't care about them anymore. Go be yourself.

Não me importo mais com eles. Vá ser você mesmo.

Yo, Hops, give me a baseline.

Ei, Hops, me dê uma linha de base.

Woo-hoo! That's my sister!

Uau! Essa é minha irmã!

And this is your other sister!

E esta é sua outra irmã!

Wait. It's my fault, not Lana's. It was all my idea.

Espera. A culpa é minha, não da Lana. Foi tudo ideia minha.

I have worked for years to build my pageant reputation!

Trabalhei durante anos para construir minha reputação em concursos!

And you just ruined it!

E você simplesmente estragou tudo!

Lola, listen!

Lola, escuta!

And the winner is...

E o vencedor é...

Lola Loud!

Lola alto!



Lola, I'm so sorry I pretended to be you.

Lola, sinto muito por ter fingido ser você.

Please don't be mad at me.

Por favor, não fique bravo comigo.

I don't like what you did.

Não gostei do que você fez.

But you did win. And I respect a winner.

Mas você venceu. E eu respeito um vencedor.

I think this belongs to you.

Acho que isso pertence a você.

No, you earned it. You both did.

Não, você mereceu. Vocês dois mereceram.

And the Dairyland tickets.

E os ingressos para o Dairyland.

We're going to Dairyland!

Vamos para a Dairyland!

I want to watch my pageant show!

Quero assistir ao meu desfile!

I wanna watch my penguin show!

Quero assistir ao meu show de pinguins!

Got it!


Give it here!

Dê aqui!

Lynn Loud looks downfield, but nobody's open.

Lynn Loud olha para o campo, mas não há ninguém aberto.

She's going for the quarterback sneak!

Ela está indo para o quarterback sneak!

If all goes according to plan,

Se tudo correr conforme o planejado,

my family will "glove" this prank.

minha família vai "engolir" essa brincadeira.

No more ice cream!

Chega de sorvete!

And now, back to Penguin Pageants.

E agora, de volta aos Penguin Pageants.



Walt! Knock it off!

Walt! Pare com isso!



Oh no! It's a fumble!

Ah não! É um desastre!

Well, this is nice to see everybody getting along.

Bom, é bom ver todo mundo se dando bem.

And Luan's even taking a nap.

E o Luan até está tirando uma soneca.

Yep. They've been perfect all day.

Sim. Eles ficaram perfeitos o dia todo.

Not a single mess or meltdown.

Nenhuma confusão ou colapso.

Now to get a little shuteye.

Agora vou dormir um pouco.

Hey, guys. What's up?

Olá, pessoal. Tudo bem?

What are you up to, Lincoln?

O que você está fazendo, Lincoln?

Me? I'm not up to anything.

Eu? Não estou a fim de nada.

Just, you know, catching some Z's in the car like guys do.

Só, sabe, dormir um pouco no carro, como os rapazes fazem.

Oh, yeah? Then what's this?

Ah, é? Então o que é isso?

You went in my room?

Você entrou no meu quarto?

That's not the hot issue right now.

Essa não é a questão mais importante agora.

What's the sweet spot and why are you in it?

Qual é o ponto ideal e por que você está nele?

Oh, it's, uh...

Ah, é...

it's the worst seat in the whole car.

é o pior assento do carro inteiro.

I put myself in it so none of you would have to suffer.

Eu me coloquei nisso para que nenhum de vocês tivesse que sofrer.

Then why is it called the sweet spot?

Então por que é chamado de ponto ideal?

Because I'm being sweet.

Porque estou sendo gentil.

According to my calculations,

De acordo com meus cálculos,

the sweet spot is actually the best seat

o ponto ideal é na verdade o melhor assento

in the car for various reasons,

no carro por vários motivos,

including air circulation, proximity to parental units,

incluindo circulação de ar, proximidade das unidades parentais,

and the lack of chewable adhesive on the cushion.

e a falta de adesivo mastigável na almofada.

It took me eight months to figure that out!

Levei oito meses para descobrir isso!

Shocker. Well, if that's the best seat,

Chocante. Bem, se esse é o melhor assento,

then I should get it, I'm the oldest.

então eu deveria pegá-lo, sou o mais velho.

You'd just barf all over it, dude.

Você iria vomitar em cima dele, cara.

I should have it. Beauty before age.

Eu deveria ter isso. Beleza antes da idade.

Yeah, so I should get it. That seat belongs to me.

Sim, então eu deveria pegá-lo. Esse assento é meu.

No, I want it.

Não, eu quero.

You can yell all you want, but I'm already in the seat.

Podem gritar o quanto quiserem, mas eu já estou sentado.

And possession is 9/10 of the law.

E a posse é 9/10 da lei.

You're gonna possess a bruise in a minute.

Você vai ficar com um hematoma em um minuto.

Get him!

Peguem ele!

Dang it!


I forgot about the broken lock.

Esqueci da fechadura quebrada.

Let go of me!

Me solte!

That is enough!

Já chega!

Everyone back to their rooms this minute!

Todos de volta para seus quartos agora mesmo!

I don't want to see anyone in that car

Não quero ver ninguém naquele carro

until 7 a.m.!

até às 7 da manhã!

Good luck getting the sweet spot now.

Boa sorte para conseguir o ponto ideal agora.

This is bad. I can't lose that seat.

Isso é ruim. Não posso perder esse assento.

Don't even think about it, Lincoln!

Nem pense nisso, Lincoln!

I'm watching you.

Estou de olho em você.

Well, I'm watching you! And I'm watching you!

Bem, eu estou observando você! E eu estou observando você!

And I'm watching you.

E eu estou observando você.

Ugh! Okay.

Argh! Certo.

I just have to be the first one out the door tomorrow.

Só preciso ser o primeiro a sair amanhã.



Only 30 minutes till Operation Save the Sweet Spot.

Faltam apenas 30 minutos para a Operação Salve o Ponto Doce.

Come on man, stay with me!

Vamos lá, cara, fica comigo!

[all yelling, Sweet spot!

[todos gritando, Ponto ideal!



That was my first car!

Esse foi meu primeiro carro!

And my dad's first car!

E o primeiro carro do meu pai!

And his dad's first car!

E o primeiro carro do pai dele!

All right, everyone, back inside.

Certo, pessoal, voltem para dentro.

The road trip is off!

A viagem começou!

You're going to spend this weekend sitting together

Vocês vão passar o fim de semana sentados juntos

in the living room until you learn to get along!

na sala de estar até você aprender a se dar bem!



I'm sorry you had to see that.

Sinto muito que você tenha visto isso.

Well, Operation Sweet Spot went sour.

Bem, a Operação Sweet Spot deu errado.

I guess I should have known that in a family this big,

Acho que eu deveria saber que em uma família tão grande,

you just can't control every little thing.

você simplesmente não pode controlar cada pequena coisa.

That said,

Dito isto,

there's a sweet spot in the living room, too.

há um lugar ideal na sala de estar também.

It's at the end of the couch, close to the bathroom,

Fica no final do sofá, perto do banheiro,

with a great view of the TV.

com uma ótima visão da TV.

And it's going to be mine.

E vai ser meu.

The dining room!

A sala de jantar!

The living room!

A sala de estar!

Lily's room!

O quarto da Lily!

We've literally searched the whole house, and nothing.

Nós literalmente revistamos a casa toda e nada.

Hello? My floral pump is not nothing.

Olá? Minha bomba floral não é nada.

Maybe we missed something in the letter.

Talvez tenhamos perdido alguma coisa na carta.

You're the one who ripped it!

Foi você quem arrasou!

Dude, how are we gonna find the money now?

Cara, como vamos encontrar o dinheiro agora?

We're not. Why?

Não estamos. Por quê?

What are you talking about?

O que você está falando?

'Cause all we did was fight over it.

Porque tudo o que fizemos foi brigar por isso.

And this is exactly what Sharon DeMonet warned us about.

E foi exatamente sobre isso que Sharon DeMonet nos alertou.

How about this? From now on, any time we find money,

Que tal isso? De agora em diante, sempre que encontrarmos dinheiro,

whether it's a hidden fortune, or even this quarter,

seja uma fortuna escondida, ou mesmo este trimestre,

we all share it equally?

todos nós compartilhamos isso igualmente?

Sounds good. You know, I kind of like that.

Parece bom. Sabe, eu meio que gosto disso.

I'll even share the dollar I got back from Charles.

Vou até dividir o dólar que recebi de Charles.

Let's not.

Não vamos.

Oh, we're sorry Lily.

Ah, desculpe, Lily.

Did your noisy sisters and brother wake you?

Suas irmãs e irmãos barulhentos acordaram você?

Hey, what's that stuck to Lily's bottom?

Ei, o que é isso grudado no bumbum da Lily?

It's a map!

É um mapa!

"If you're reading this,

"Se você está lendo isso,

it means you came together

significa que vocês se uniram

and got to the "bottom" of the matter!

e chegou ao "fundo" da questão!

Congratulations. You're almost there!"

Parabéns. Você está quase lá!"

But wait.

Mas espere.

How could she have known the map would be on Lily's bottom?

Como ela poderia saber que o mapa estaria no traseiro de Lily?

Who cares? Let's find the money!

Quem se importa? Vamos encontrar o dinheiro!

X marks the spot.

X marca o local.

Ooh! I love solving for X!

Ooh! Eu adoro resolver para X!

Dig! Dig! Dig!

Cave! Cave! Cave!

I've got some experience digging holes.

Tenho alguma experiência cavando buracos.

Dig! Dig! Dig! Dig!

Cave! Cave! Cave! Cave!

Digging is fun for the "hole" family.

Cavar é divertido para a família "buraco".

Get it?


Dig! Dig! Dig! Okay everyone, stand back.

Cavem! Cavem! Cavem! Certo, pessoal, fiquem para trás.

Luna, a little digging music. You got it, sis.

Luna, uma musiquinha de escavação. Você conseguiu, mana.

It's locked.

Está trancado.

I got this.

Eu entendi.

What? There's more to my head than just air, you know?

O quê? Tem mais na minha cabeça do que só ar, sabia?


US$ 500!

So if we share it equally, that means we each get a...

Então, se dividirmos igualmente, isso significa que cada um de nós ganha...

$45.4545455 each.

US$ 45,4545455 cada.

One, two, three!

Um dois três!

It was really nice of you to give up your work bonus.

Foi muito gentil da sua parte abrir mão do seu bônus de trabalho.

Are you ever going to tell them that you're Sharon DeMonet?

Você vai contar a eles que é Sharon DeMonet?

Nah. I have to admit,

Não. Tenho que admitir,

it's nice to see them sharing money and not fighting over it.

é bom vê-los dividindo dinheiro e não brigando por ele.

Yep. All part of Sharon's plan.

Sim. Tudo parte do plano de Sharon.

Was destroying the house part of Sharon's plan?

Destruir a casa fazia parte do plano de Sharon?

No. No, it was not.

Não. Não, não foi.

Well, now she can Sharon DeCleanup.

Bem, agora ela pode ser Sharon DeCleanup.

Sweetie, what's the matter?

Querida, o que houve?

Be right there, sweetie.

Já estou indo, querida.

Okay, admit it.

Certo, admita.

You're all looking for the money, aren't you?

Vocês estão todos procurando o dinheiro, não é?

Obviously. Duh!

Obviamente. Duh!

Yes we are.

Sim, somos.

Where'd you find your first clue, Sherlock?

Onde você encontrou sua primeira pista, Sherlock?

You guys didn't even believe the money existed!

Vocês nem acreditavam que o dinheiro existia!

I'm the one who should get it.

Sou eu quem deveria receber.

Forget that. I'm finding it for myself.

Esqueça isso. Estou descobrindo por mim mesmo.

Not if I find it first!

Não se eu encontrar primeiro!

Yeah, dream on!

Sim, continue sonhando!

It's mine!

É meu!

Obviously you haven't learned your lesson.

Obviamente você não aprendeu a lição.

Back to the attic!

De volta ao sótão!

The answer must be in here somewhere, I know it.

A resposta deve estar aqui em algum lugar, eu sei.

"Reflect upon what I've said here."

"Reflita sobre o que eu disse aqui."

What could that mean?

O que isso poderia significar?

Reflect! Duh.

Reflita! Duh.

I'm just going to be over here

Eu vou ficar aqui

cleaning the, uh, the dirty thing.

limpando a coisa suja.

What's that? Nothing.

O que é isso? Nada.

Lincoln found another letter.

Lincoln encontrou outra carta.

Okay, okay. Calm down.

Ok, ok. Calma.

"Well done. You found the next clue.

"Muito bem. Você encontrou a próxima pista.

But beware, if you fight like my family did,

Mas cuidado, se você lutar como minha família lutou,

you'll never get to the bottom of the matter."

você nunca chegará ao fundo da questão."

You guys, maybe we should listen to her and stop fighting.

Gente, talvez devêssemos ouvi-la e parar de brigar.

Yeah, Lincoln's right.

Sim, Lincoln está certo.

As soon as we're done cleaning here,

Assim que terminarmos de limpar aqui,

we should totally work together to find the money.

deveríamos trabalhar juntos para encontrar o dinheiro.

Hey, Lori's going after the money!

Ei, Lori está atrás do dinheiro!



Guys, the letter.

Pessoal, a carta.

Remember what Sharon DeMonet said!

Lembre-se do que Sharon DeMonet disse!

Forget Sharon DeMonet!

Esqueça Sharon DeMonet!

It's every man for himself.

É cada um por si.

Smell the money, boy. Now go find more!

Cheire o dinheiro, garoto. Agora vá procurar mais!

Hey, spit it out, Charles.

Ei, desembucha, Charles.

So help me, I will get that dollar back,

Então me ajude, eu vou ter esse dólar de volta,

even if I have to wait for it to come out the other end!

mesmo que eu tenha que esperar que saia do outro lado!

I summon you from the great beyond,

Eu te invoco do grande além,

Mrs. Sharon DeMonet, tell me where your fortune is.

Sra. Sharon DeMonet, diga-me onde está sua fortuna.

Speak to me, o spirit.

Fala comigo, ó espírito.

Come on, lady!

Vamos, moça!

Just tell me where the dough is!

Só me diga onde está a massa!

What did Sharon say?

O que Sharon disse?

Sharon said get out of our room!

Sharon disse para sairmos do nosso quarto!

Hey, look, I found the bread [laughs[

Ei, olha, eu achei o pão [risos[

and the cheddar, and the lettuce,

e o queijo cheddar, e a alface,

and the clams?

e as amêijoas?

Ooh, no wonder someone threw this out!

Nossa, não é de se espantar que alguém tenha jogado isso fora!

Hey, what... Stay out! This is our turf.

Ei, o que... Fique fora! Este é o nosso território.

Hey, get back here! That's my dollar!

Ei, volte aqui! Esse é meu dólar!

Have you found it?

Você encontrou?

Oh, no you don't!

Ah, não, você não vai!

Search your own room!

Procure no seu próprio quarto!

Duh, why didn't I think of that?

Duh, por que não pensei nisso antes?

Where are you? Back, back, you animals!

Onde você está? Para trás, para trás, seus animais!

I found it! You found the money?

Eu achei! Você achou o dinheiro?

No, my missing floral pump.

Não, minha bomba floral perdida.

Aww! The money's not up here!

Aww! O dinheiro não está aqui!

Maybe it's downstairs!

Talvez esteja lá embaixo!

The dining room!

A sala de jantar!

The living room!

A sala de estar!

Lily's room!

O quarto da Lily!

We've literally searched the whole house and nothing.

Nós literalmente revistamos a casa toda e nada.

Hello? My floral pump is not nothing.

Olá? Minha bomba floral não é nada.

Maybe we missed something in the letter!

Talvez tenhamos perdido alguma coisa na carta!

You're the one who ripped it!

Foi você quem arrasou!

Dude, how are we gonna find the money now?

Cara, como vamos encontrar o dinheiro agora?

We're not. Why?

Não estamos. Por quê?

What are you talking about?

O que você está falando?

'Cause all we did was fight over it.

Porque tudo o que fizemos foi brigar por isso.

And this is exactly what Sharon DeMonet warned us about.

E foi exatamente sobre isso que Sharon DeMonet nos alertou.

How about this?

Que tal isso?

From now on, any time we find money,

A partir de agora, sempre que encontrarmos dinheiro,

whether it's a hidden fortune or even this quarter,

seja uma fortuna escondida ou mesmo este trimestre,

we all share it equally.

todos nós compartilhamos isso igualmente.

Okay, sure.

Certo, claro.

Sounds good. I kind of like that.

Parece bom. Eu meio que gosto disso.

I'll even share the dollar I got back from Charles.

Vou até dividir o dólar que recebi de Charles.

Let's not.

Não vamos.

Oh, we're sorry, Lily.

Oh, we're sorry, Lily.

Did your noisy sisters and brother wake you?

Did your noisy sisters and brother wake you?

Hey, what's that stuck to Lily's bottom?

Hey, what's that stuck to Lily's bottom?

It's a map!

It's a map!

"If you're reading this,

"If you're reading this,

it means you came together

it means you came together

and got to the "bottom" of the matter!

and got to the "bottom" of the matter!

Congratulations. You're almost there!"

Congratulations. You're almost there!"

But wait.

But wait.

How could she have known the map would be on Lily's bottom?

How could she have known the map would be on Lily's bottom?

Who cares? Let's find the money!

Who cares? Let's find the money!

X marks the spot.

X marks the spot.

Ooh! I love solving for X!

Ooh! I love solving for X!

Lincoln, speak to me!

Lincoln, speak to me!

My whole life just flashed before my eyes.

My whole life just flashed before my eyes.

Let me try. I read all about this

Let me try. I read all about this

in Oopsie, My Baby Made a Poopsie.

in Oopsie, My Baby Made a Poopsie.

That was weird, your life just flashed before my eyes.

That was weird, your life just flashed before my eyes.

It's practically radioactive!

It's practically radioactive!

Huh? Radioactive, you say?

Huh? Radioactive, you say?

It pays to have a sister whose hobby is nuclear physics.

It pays to have a sister whose hobby is nuclear physics.



Well, that was disgusting.

Well, that was disgusting.

True. But at least I'm not buffing bunions at Aunt Ruth's.

True. But at least I'm not buffing bunions at Aunt Ruth's.

Let's never speak of this.

Let's never speak of this.



I think it's somebody's nap time.

I think it's somebody's nap time.

Not now. Clyde, we're supposed to be babysitting.

Not now. Clyde, we're supposed to be babysitting.

Oh, you meant Lily.

Oh, you meant Lily.

And so the beautiful Princess Lori

And so the beautiful Princess Lori

and the brave Sir Clyde lived happily ever after.

and the brave Sir Clyde lived happily ever after.

While the dimwitted Sir Bobby was eaten alive by...

While the dimwitted Sir Bobby was eaten alive by...

Okay, Clyde, let's not give her nightmares.

Okay, Clyde, let's not give her nightmares.





What should we do now? Zombie marathon.

What should we do now? Zombie marathon.

It's okay. Lily. Go back to sleep.

It's okay. Lily. Go back to sleep.

You ever read any books about getting babies to sleep?

You ever read any books about getting babies to sleep?

Of course! Nap Quest: The Impossible Journey.

Of course! Nap Quest: The Impossible Journey.

It says babies like white noise. It reminds them of the womb.

It says babies like white noise. It reminds them of the womb.

Crud! It's Mom. I can't let her hear all this.

Crud! It's Mom. I can't let her hear all this.

Hey, mom!

Hey, mom!

Hi, sweetie. How's everything going?

Hi, sweetie. How's everything going?

Great. Smooth sailing. Do I hear Lily crying?

Great. Smooth sailing. Do I hear Lily crying?

Oh, that. Yeah.

Oh, that. Yeah.

We're just having a teeny bit of a problem getting her to nap.

We're just having a teeny bit of a problem getting her to nap.

You know what always works for me?

You know what always works for me?

Taking her to the park. That'll wear her out.

Taking her to the park. That'll wear her out.

Thanks for the tip, Mom. Bye!

Thanks for the tip, Mom. Bye!

Clyde! What happened? Sorry, Lincoln.

Clyde! What happened? Sorry, Lincoln.

I couldn't turn off all the faucets in time.

I couldn't turn off all the faucets in time.

I'll go get the mops.

I'll go get the mops.

Wow, your mom knows your stuff.

Wow, your mom knows your stuff.

I wonder if she read Take a Walk on the Child Side?

I wonder if she read Take a Walk on the Child Side?

Okay, Lily, have fun with your little friends.

Okay, Lily, have fun with your little friends.

We'll be right over there watching you.

We'll be right over there watching you.

Clyde! Lily's on the loose!

Clyde! Lily's on the loose!

Hey, kids, wait your turn.

Hey, kids, wait your turn.

Gotcha! This is not polite, kids!

Gotcha! This is not polite, kids!



Let's get you home, Lily.

Let's get you home, Lily.

Well, that was a nightmare,

Well, that was a nightmare,

but it still beats eating moldy pudding at Aunt Ruth's.

but it still beats eating moldy pudding at Aunt Ruth's.

Oh. It's okay. Don't cry.

Oh. It's okay. Don't cry.



Hey, is there something different about Lily?

Hey, is there something different about Lily?

Because that's not Lily!

Because that's not Lily!

We took the wrong baby!

We took the wrong baby!

It's my mom. They're on their way home.

It's my mom. They're on their way home.

There was probably a better way to do that.

There was probably a better way to do that.

Oh, what's the matter, Lily? You need your blankie?

Oh, what's the matter, Lily? You need your blankie?

It's okay. Lily, your blankie's right here.

It's okay. Lily, your blankie's right here.



In the Loud house,

In the Loud house,

there just isn't a lot of it to go around.

there just isn't a lot of it to go around.





Which is why, when you happen to find some,

Which is why, when you happen to find some,

even the smallest amount,

even the smallest amount,

you've got to keep it to yourself.

you've got to keep it to yourself.

Jackpot! Mwah!

Jackpot! Mwah!

We heard money! A dime? No, a quarter.

We heard money! A dime? No, a quarter.

That's impossible. Money doesn't make a sound.

That's impossible. Money doesn't make a sound.

Haven't you ever heard the expression "money talks"?

Haven't you ever heard the expression "money talks"?

And that quarter is saying,

And that quarter is saying,

"Hand me over, bro." It's mine!

"Hand me over, bro." It's mine!

Guys, let's just split it 40-40.

Guys, let's just split it 40-40.

No, none of you are getting it.

No, none of you are getting it.

I found it in the couch, fair and square.

I found it in the couch, fair and square.

Wait a second! If there was one quarter down there,

Wait a second! If there was one quarter down there,

then maybe there's more!

then maybe there's more!

What are they fighting over this time?

What are they fighting over this time?

A nickel under the Ottoman? Nope. A quarter down the sofa.

A nickel under the Ottoman? Nope. A quarter down the sofa.

We better stop them before they start biting.

We better stop them before they start biting.

Ow, Lola! Too late.

Ow, Lola! Too late.

All right!

All right!

Everybody get upstairs and clean the attic.

Everybody get upstairs and clean the attic.

That's punishment for fighting over money.

That's punishment for fighting over money.

That punishment makes no "cents"!

That punishment makes no "cents"!



But that was a good one.

But that was a good one.

And I want that whole attic sparkling!

And I want that whole attic sparkling!

Even the back corner!

Even the back corner!

But the back corner was my secret dark place.

But the back corner was my secret dark place.

It's Lincoln's fault we're up here, so he can do it.

It's Lincoln's fault we're up here, so he can do it.

And watch out for that loose floorboard.

And watch out for that loose floorboard.

What loose floorboard?

What loose floorboard?

Stupid loose floorboard.

Stupid loose floorboard.

Hey! What's this?

Hey! What's this?

"Dear future residents of 1216 Franklin Avenue.

"Dear future residents of 1216 Franklin Avenue.

My family always fought over money,

My family always fought over money,

so I decided to leave my fortune for you

so I decided to leave my fortune for you

in the hope that you will share it.

in the hope that you will share it.

For a clue on where the money is hidden,

For a clue on where the money is hidden,

reflect upon what I've said here.

reflect upon what I've said here.

Signed, Mrs. Sharon DeMonet, the original owner."

Signed, Mrs. Sharon DeMonet, the original owner."

Hey guys, check it out!

Hey guys, check it out!

I found this letter from the original owner.

I found this letter from the original owner.

She said she's hidden money in the house.

She said she's hidden money in the house.

Yeah, right. Lincoln. Quit stalling.

Yeah, right. Lincoln. Quit stalling.

You're not getting out of cleaning the attic.

You're not getting out of cleaning the attic.



Fine, I'll just do it by myself.

Fine, I'll just do it by myself.

And when I do, it'll be all mine.

And when I do, it'll be all mine.

Where'd everybody go?

Where'd everybody go?

Lisa, what are you doing?

Lisa, what are you doing?

Uh, just calibrating my dumb human detector.

Uh, just calibrating my dumb human detector.

[detector beeping, Calibrated.

[detector apitando, Calibrado.

Lucy, see anything? Lynn, what are you doing?

Lucy, vê alguma coisa? Lynn, o que você está fazendo?

Who, me? No, no.

Quem, eu? Não, não.

Just putting laundry down the chute.

Apenas colocando a roupa suja no ralo.

Laundry doesn't scream and go thud!

A roupa não grita nem faz barulho!

No, but nosy brothers do.

Não, mas os irmãos intrometidos sim.

Okay, okay.

Ok, ok.

Sorry, Luce. That's okay.

Desculpe, Luce. Tudo bem.

I found a new secret dark place.

Encontrei um novo lugar secreto e escuro.

Looking for something Lola?

Procurando algo, Lola?

Uh, no, I'm just practicing for the...

Não, estou apenas praticando para...

uh, Little Miss Chimney Sweep Pageant.

uh, Concurso de Pequena Miss Limpadora de Chaminés.

There's nothing up there. There's gotta be!

Não tem nada lá em cima. Tem que ter!

Now keep looking!

Agora continue procurando!

Hand me the flashlight.

Passe-me a lanterna.

Quick! Hide! Oh!

Rápido! Esconda-se! Oh!

What are you up to?

O que você está fazendo?

Just practicing my drums.

Apenas praticando minha bateria.

Can someone answer the ringing in my head?

Alguém pode responder ao zumbido na minha cabeça?



Gross, what is that? Get off my pumps!

Bruto, o que é isso? Sai do meu pé!

I'm gonna pump your face if you don't move faster.

Vou socar seu rosto se você não for mais rápido.

Let's just get this over with.

Vamos acabar logo com isso.

Ugh! Why didn't Mrs. DeMonet just tell us where the money is?

Ugh! Por que a Sra. DeMonet não nos disse onde está o dinheiro?

I don't know, let's ask her.

Não sei, vamos perguntar a ela.



That's just a leftover Halloween decoration.

Isso é só uma decoração de Halloween que sobrou.

Hey, what are you two doing? Uh, we're just dusting.

Ei, o que vocês dois estão fazendo? Uh, estamos só tirando o pó.

Wait. I thought we were looking for the money.

Espere. Pensei que estávamos procurando o dinheiro.

I knew it!

Eu sabia!

Okay, admit it.

Certo, admita.

You're all looking for the money, aren't you?

Vocês estão todos procurando o dinheiro, não é?

Obviously. Heck, yes we are.

Obviamente. Claro que sim, nós somos.

Where'd you find your first clue, Sherlock?

Onde você encontrou sua primeira pista, Sherlock?

You guys didn't even believe the money existed.

Vocês nem acreditavam que o dinheiro existia.

I'm the one who should get it!

Sou eu quem deveria receber!

Forget that! I'm finding it for myself!

Esqueça isso! Eu estou encontrando por mim mesmo!

Not if I find it first!

Não se eu encontrar primeiro!

Yeah, dream on. It's mine!

Sim, sonhe. É meu!

Obviously you haven't learned your lesson.

Obviamente você não aprendeu a lição.

Back to the attic!

De volta ao sótão!

The answer must be in here somewhere, I know it.

A resposta deve estar aqui em algum lugar, eu sei.

"Reflect upon what I've said here."

"Reflita sobre o que eu disse aqui."

What could that mean?

O que isso poderia significar?

Reflect! Duh!

Reflect! Duh!

I'm just going to be over here,

I'm just going to be over here,

cleaning the, uh, the dirty thing.

cleaning the, uh, the dirty thing.

What's that?

What's that?

Nothing. Lincoln found another letter!

Nothing. Lincoln found another letter!

Okay, okay! Calm down!

Okay, okay! Calm down!

"Well done. You found the next clue."

"Well done. You found the next clue."

The judges have voted, and the champion is...

The judges have voted, and the champion is...

Ugh! Lana's been driving me crazy.

Ugh! Lana's been driving me crazy.

Her animals stink up our room!

Her animals stink up our room!

And look what she did to my dolly!

And look what she did to my dolly!

Mama! Why would she do that?

Mama! Why would she do that?

Woo-hoo! I got pit hair!

Woo-hoo! I got pit hair!

And the champion is...

And the champion is...

Lucy won't keep her bats off my side of the room.

Lucy won't keep her bats off my side of the room.

Now one of them's bit me,

Now one of them's bit me,

and he's got the taste for my blood.

and he's got the taste for my blood.

Aren't you being a little paranoid?

Aren't you being a little paranoid?

I'm sure the bat doesn't-- -

I'm sure the bat doesn't-- -

You might want to run.

You might want to run.

And the champi...

And the champi...

Ugh! Lori is the worst roommate ever!

Ugh! Lori is the worst roommate ever!

Her huge hair broke my favorite clip!

Her huge hair broke my favorite clip!

That's, uh...

That's, uh...

Ooh, you're watching Operation Dessert Storm?

Ooh, you're watching Operation Dessert Storm?

Isn't it awesome that Linda won?

Isn't it awesome that Linda won?



Lincoln, did you see who won the finale?

Lincoln, did you see who won the finale?

No, but I heard about it. I'm so glad it was Linda.

No, but I heard about it. I'm so glad it was Linda.

Tony's cream puffs looked so dry, didn't they?

Tony's cream puffs looked so dry, didn't they?

Are you okay? Is there an earthquake there?

Are you okay? Is there an earthquake there?

No, it's just my sisters having another roommate rumble.

No, it's just my sisters having another roommate rumble.

Pssh! Too bad they don't get along as well as we do.

Pssh! Too bad they don't get along as well as we do.

Right, Mr. 98% compatible? You know it!

Right, Mr. 98% compatible? You know it!

If not for our condiment preferences,

If not for our condiment preferences,

we would have been matched 100%.

we would have been matched 100%.

Wait, you just gave me an idea!

Wait, you just gave me an idea!

You're gonna give up mustard

You're gonna give up mustard

and come over to the good life on the mayo side?

and come over to the good life on the mayo side?

I'm gonna fix my sisters' problems.

I'm gonna fix my sisters' problems.

It's no secret you guys are having some roommate trouble.

It's no secret you guys are having some roommate trouble.

Well, I think I can help.

Well, I think I can help.

Clyde and I took this amazingly accurate compatibility test.

Clyde e eu fizemos esse teste de compatibilidade incrivelmente preciso.

If you guys take it,

Se vocês aceitarem,

maybe we can find out which sister you're best matched with.

talvez possamos descobrir com qual irmã você combina melhor.

And then, you can change roommates.

E então, você pode trocar de colega de quarto.

I'm willing to try anything. This is my last dolly with hair.

Estou disposta a tentar qualquer coisa. Esta é minha última boneca com cabelo.

Relax! It grows back.

Relaxa! Ele cresce de novo.

No it doesn't!

Não, não é!

Let's take that test.

Vamos fazer esse teste.

Great. I'll read the questions, then write down your answers.

Ótimo. Vou ler as perguntas e depois anotar suas respostas.

Number one, what's your favorite color?

Número um, qual é sua cor favorita?

Oh, dang it, I got that one wrong.

Ah, droga, eu errei essa.

Guys, I've got the results.

Pessoal, já tenho os resultados.

The new roommates are Lana and Lynn,

As novas colegas de quarto são Lana e Lynn,

whose rugged personalities were a 90% match.

cujas personalidades robustas eram 90% compatíveis.

Luna and Lisa,

Luna e Lisa,

whose explosive personalities were an equally strong match.

cujas personalidades explosivas eram uma combinação igualmente forte.

Lola and Lucy because they both have a flair for the dramatic.

Lola e Lucy porque ambas têm um talento para o dramático.

Us matching is the craziest thing

Nós combinando é a coisa mais louca

that's ever happened. [ Ever.

que já aconteceu. [Sempre.

I am so shocked I could die.

Estou tão chocado que poderia morrer.

Luan and Leni due to their shared love of laughter.

Luan e Leni pelo amor compartilhado pelo riso.

Buckle up Leni, there's no "giggling" out of this.

Aperte o cinto, Leni, não tem "risos" nisso.

That was so funny!

Isso foi tão engraçado!

And lastly, Lori and Lily.

E por último, Lori e Lily.

Uh, what could we possibly have in common?

Uh, o que poderíamos ter em comum?



Well if it isn't my lookalike!

Ora, se não é meu sósia!

Still got snow on the roof, eh?

Ainda tem neve no telhado, hein?

Sure do, Pop-Pop.

Claro que sim, Pop-Pop.

We're all doing our spring cleaning.

Estamos todos fazendo nossa faxina de primavera.

So the sisters nominated me to say hello.

Então as irmãs me indicaram para dizer olá.

I tell you, spring always puts me in the mood for a song.

Eu te digo, a primavera sempre me deixa com vontade de ouvir uma música.

Why don't you bring Luna down?

Por que você não derruba Luna?

S.O.S.! Come home now!

SOS! Volte para casa agora!

How I wonder what you are

Como eu me pergunto o que você é

Stage dive!

Mergulho no palco!



Tough act to follow.

Ato difícil de superar.

But I'd love to see some comedy from Luan.

Mas eu adoraria ver um pouco de comédia do Luan.

What does a nosy pepper do?

O que uma pimenta intrometida faz?

Gets jalapeno business! Get it?

Pega negócio de jalapeño! Entendeu?

Hilarious. Now go get those twins.

Hilário. Agora vá pegar aqueles gêmeos.

I want to talk to Pop-Pop first!

Quero falar com o Pop-Pop primeiro!

No! Me first.

No! Me first.

Girls, girls,

Girls, girls,

there's plenty of Pop-Pop for everyone.

there's plenty of Pop-Pop for everyone.

You can make fun of me later.

You can make fun of me later.

Right now I've got Pop-Pop on video chat

Right now I've got Pop-Pop on video chat

and he wants to see all of us!

and he wants to see all of us!

I'll go say hi right now.

I'll go say hi right now.

Hello? I already was you, and I was you, too.

Hello? I already was you, and I was you, too.

I need a Lynn and a Leni, stat!

I need a Lynn and a Leni, stat!

And I got a new outfit for half-off,

And I got a new outfit for half-off,

which was weird because none of it was missing, duh!

which was weird because none of it was missing, duh!

Pop-Pop wants to talk to Lisa.

Pop-Pop wants to talk to Lisa.

Lisa's not home yet.

Lisa's not home yet.

She is now. Go!

She is now. Go!

But I knew I was missing one key component,

But I knew I was missing one key component,

and that was Judium...

and that was Judium...

uh, sofa cushion!

uh, sofa cushion!

Have I seen Lori yet?

Have I seen Lori yet?

Bring me the funny one again.

Bring me the funny one again.

I forgot to tell Lily something.

I forgot to tell Lily something.

No, it was Leni. Or was it Lisa?

No, it was Leni. Or was it Lisa?

Who are you supposed to be?

Who are you supposed to be?

Uh, Lan-cy?

Uh, Lan-cy?

So Ace Savvy was like...

So Ace Savvy was like...

And then One-Eyed Jack was all,

And then One-Eyed Jack was all,

Pop-Pop, white hair, new hip, traction shoes,

Pop-Pop, white hair, new hip, traction shoes,

never slip, Pop-Pop.

never slip, Pop-Pop.

OMG, Pop-Pop. Bobby looked so cute.

OMG, Pop-Pop. Bobby looked so cute.

I literally forgot we were all hurtling

I literally forgot we were all hurtling

toward imminent oblivion.

toward imminent oblivion.



I think that's it! We're done.

I think that's it! We're done.

Uh, nope.

Uh, nope.

Pop-Pop wants to say bye to all of us together now.

Pop-Pop wants to say bye to all of us together now.

Well, you kids really made my day.

Well, you kids really made my day.

Talk to you soon.

Talk to you soon.

Bye Pop-Pop!

Bye Pop-Pop!

Oh, boy, that was great.

Oh, boy, that was great.

Next time, I must use my glasses.

Next time, I must use my glasses.



Guys, we gotta figure out something!

Guys, we gotta figure out something!

The Family Fun Fair is tonight,

The Family Fun Fair is tonight,

and we got nothing for the talent show.

and we got nothing for the talent show.

Oh, I know! How about a family trapeze act?

Oh, I know! How about a family trapeze act?

Just because you've fractured every bone

Just because you've fractured every bone

from your maxilla to your metatarsals

from your maxilla to your metatarsals

doesn't mean we want to.

doesn't mean we want to.

I know, how about a family beauty pageant?

I know, how about a family beauty pageant?

Never mind. That would take years to prepare for.

Never mind. That would take years to prepare for.

I say we wrestle alligators!

I say we wrestle alligators!

What? Lana, that's a terrible idea.

What? Lana, that's a terrible idea.

You're right. Calf roping is much better.

You're right. Calf roping is much better.

We need something we can all do.

We need something we can all do.

Then let's do my idea. No, my idea.

Then let's do my idea. No, my idea.

No, mine! No way.

No, mine! No way.

I've got the answer!

I've got the answer!

Let's start a family band!

Let's start a family band!

But we literally have no musical talent.

But we literally have no musical talent.

Yeah, I couldn't carry a tune if it had a handle.

Yeah, I couldn't carry a tune if it had a handle.

As my idol, Mick Swagger says,

As my idol, Mick Swagger says,

"Rock n roll isn't about being the best,

"Rock n roll isn't about being the best,

it's about having fun!"

it's about having fun!"

Now, who wants to have fun? Yeah.

Now, who wants to have fun? Yeah.

Uh, guys? Little help?

Uh, guys? Little help?

Oh, sorry Lincoln.

Oh, sorry Lincoln.

Ah! What is that horrific sound?

Ah! What is that horrific sound?

Is the cat fighting the possum again?

Is the cat fighting the possum again?

No, Dad. It's us. We're starting a family band.

No, Dad. It's us. We're starting a family band.

Oh, oh! You know, your old man used to be in a band.

Oh, oh! You know, your old man used to be in a band.

Although it ended on a sour note.

Although it ended on a sour note.

Dude! Dude! Dude!

Dude! Dude! Dude!

You're out of the band.

You're out of the band.



But you can be in our band!

But you can be in our band!

Well, if you all insist.

Well, if you all insist.



Whoo! Ha-ha!

Whoo! Ha-ha!

I sincerely hope that's not contagious.

I sincerely hope that's not contagious.

All right, dudes, let's try busting out this jam.

All right, dudes, let's try busting out this jam.

It's called "Plastic Bag Blowing through the Gutter of Life."

It's called "Plastic Bag Blowing through the Gutter of Life."

Lyrics by Lucy.

Lyrics by Lucy.

Music by yours truly.

Music by yours truly.

One, two, one, two, three, four!

One, two, one, two, three, four!

Dudes! Charles wants to sing lead!

Dudes! Charles wants to sing lead!

Yo, Chuck! What's that?

Yo, Chuck! What's that?

I can't hear you. Hold on a sec. Hey, guys. Keep practicing.

I can't hear you. Hold on a sec. Hey, guys. Keep practicing.

And don't forget, it's not about being the best,

And don't forget, it's not about being the best,

it's all about having fun.

it's all about having fun.

Oy, have you heard, mate? Mick Swagger's in town.

Oy, have you heard, mate? Mick Swagger's in town.

He's going to be scouting for local talent

He's going to be scouting for local talent

at the Family Fun Fair.

at the Family Fun Fair.

Mick in town? This could be my big break, man!

Mick in town? This could be my big break, man!

And now, I'd like to introduce

And now, I'd like to introduce

the greatest musical discovery

the greatest musical discovery

of my 40-year career, Luna Loud!

of my 40-year career, Luna Loud!

Luna! Luna! Luna!

Luna! Luna! Luna!



Thanks for the call, brah. I've got work to do.

Thanks for the call, brah. I've got work to do.

A lot of work.

A lot of work.

Okay, people, from the top.

Okay, people, from the top.

This time, let's try to step it up a notch.

This time, let's try to step it up a notch.

Um, I don't have an instrument. What should I play?

Um, I don't have an instrument. What should I play?

Hmm... Why don't you sing backup?

Hmm... Why don't you sing backup?

All right. Louds! One, two, three.

All right. Louds! One, two, three.

Back up, back up, back up

Back up, back up, back up

No, no, no, no, Leni,

No, no, no, no, Leni,

you don't actually sing the words "back up."

you don't actually sing the words "back up."

You sing what's on the page. Oh, got it.

You sing what's on the page. Oh, got it.

What's on the page? What's on the page?

What's on the page? What's on the page?

What's on the page?

What's on the page?

Uh, Rockin' Dad,

Uh, Rockin' Dad,

um, can you just dial it back a bit?

um, can you just dial it back a bit?

I can't get this tuba to work.

I can't get this tuba to work.



Nice tootin' sis.

Nice tootin' sis.

Guys, can we focus, please?

Guys, can we focus, please?

We need to... Dad! Dad!

We need to... Dad! Dad!

That's it bro, you got it!

That's it bro, you got it!





Dudes, this is the worst rehearsal I've ever seen!

Dudes, this is the worst rehearsal I've ever seen!

But you said it didn't matter if we were good.

But you said it didn't matter if we were good.

Forget about what I said, bro.

Forget about what I said, bro.

Mick Swagger's gonna be at the show.

Mick Swagger's gonna be at the show.

Mick Swagger? Sweet!

Mick Swagger? Sweet!

No, it's not sweet!

No, it's not sweet!

This is my chance to be discovered,

This is my chance to be discovered,

and you guys are messing it up.

and you guys are messing it up.

Uh! Ooh! Uh! Oh!

Uh! Ooh! Uh! Oh!

Dad! Dad! Dad!

Dad! Dad! Dad!

It's okay. Lily. Go back to sleep.

It's okay. Lily. Go back to sleep.

You ever read any books about getting babies to sleep?

You ever read any books about getting babies to sleep?

Doug, Michelle, I've been doing some thinking.

Doug, Michelle, I've been doing some thinking.

What if we made a few more tweaks?

What if we made a few more tweaks?

What do you have in mind?

O que você tem em mente?

Well, how about if I actually perform the song

Bem, que tal se eu realmente cantasse a música

and I do it in my regular clothes and I keep my name?

e eu faço isso com minhas roupas normais e mantenho meu nome?

Sweetie, those are a bit more than tweaks.

Querida, isso é um pouco mais do que ajustes.

I know, but... Let me break it down for you.

Eu sei, mas... Deixe-me explicar para você.

You go on as Lulu, or you don't go on at all.

Ou você continua como Lulu, ou não continua.

Are we clear?

Estamos claros?

Our next contestant

Nosso próximo concorrente

hails from Royal Woods, Michigan.

vem de Royal Woods, Michigan.

Woo! It's Luna!

Uau! É a Luna!

Please give a warm welcome to Lulu!

Por favor, dêem as boas-vindas à Lulu!

Lulu! I'm so embarrassed.

Lulu! Estou tão envergonhada.

I've been calling her Luna all these years.

Eu a chamei de Luna todos esses anos.

Sorry. I've made a huge mistake.

Desculpe. Cometi um grande erro.

This isn't me. I'm not Lulu.

Esta não sou eu. Eu não sou Lulu.

I am Luna Loud!

Eu sou Luna Loud!



Rock and roll is running Through my veins

O rock and roll corre nas minhas veias

Hey! Hey!

Olá! Olá!

Electric soul Like wires to my brain

Alma elétrica Como fios para meu cérebro

Hey! Hey!

Olá! Olá!

I can't be wrong Don't need direction

Não posso estar errado Não preciso de direção

I can find my way

Eu posso encontrar meu caminho

Play it loud, play it loud

Toque alto, toque alto

I got no time For turning it down

Não tenho tempo para recusar

Play it loud, play it proud

Toque alto, toque com orgulho

I live it, I breathe it

Eu vivo isso, eu respiro isso

Don't tell me I don't need it now

Não me diga que não preciso disso agora

Play it loud Sorry I'm not sorry

Toque alto Desculpe, não estou arrependido

For being proud

Por estar orgulhoso

Play it loud

Toque alto

Turn it up Until your speakers blow out

Aumente o volume até que seus alto-falantes estourem

You're disqualified!

Você está desclassificado!

First things first I ain't no second place

Primeiramente, eu não estou em segundo lugar

Rules are meant for bending Till they break

As regras são feitas para serem dobradas até que quebrem

Right or wrong. With no exceptions

Certo ou errado. Sem exceções

Rocking out my way

Balançando do meu jeito

Play it loud, play it loud

Toque alto, toque alto

I got no time For turning it down

Não tenho tempo para recusar

Play it loud, play it proud

Toque alto, toque com orgulho

I live it, I breathe it

Eu vivo isso, eu respiro isso

Don't tell me I don't need it now

Não me diga que não preciso disso agora

Play it loud Sorry I'm not sorry

Toque alto Desculpe, não estou arrependido

For being proud

Por estar orgulhoso

Play it loud

Toque alto

Turn it up Until your speakers blow out

Aumente o volume até que seus alto-falantes estourem

Until your speakers blow out! Until your speakers blow out!

Até seus alto-falantes estourarem! Até seus alto-falantes estourarem!

Do you know what you've just given up?

Você sabe do que acabou de desistir?

Yeah, but I know what I'm keeping.

Sim, mas eu sei o que estou guardando.

The real Luna Loud.

O verdadeiro Luna Loud.

Today's April Fool's Day.

Today's April Fool's Day.

Yes, April Fool's Day,

Yes, April Fool's Day,

aka a living nightmare led by a rampaging lunatic named Luan.

aka a living nightmare led by a rampaging lunatic named Luan.

Okay, she doesn't look

Okay, she doesn't look

like a rampaging lunatic in her school photo,

like a rampaging lunatic in her school photo,

but trust me, that changes on April 1st.

but trust me, that changes on April 1st.

Luan uses the holiday as an excuse to torture our family

Luan uses the holiday as an excuse to torture our family

with prank after prank.

with prank after prank.

There was the Great Mustarding of three years ago.

There was the Great Mustarding of three years ago.

Oh, no. It's spicy brown!

Oh, no. It's spicy brown!

The mass hair waxing disaster.

The mass hair waxing disaster.

Oh, I can't even show you that flashback.

Oh, I can't even show you that flashback.

But I can play you the audio.

But I can play you the audio.

And who can forget when she floated our house

And who can forget when she floated our house

down the Kalamazoo River?

down the Kalamazoo River?

It'll be okay, it'll be okay, it'll be okay.

It'll be okay, it'll be okay, it'll be okay.

But this year, things are going to be different.

But this year, things are going to be different.

We've taken the most drastic security measures ever.

We've taken the most drastic security measures ever.

Lisa created a highly secure containment cube,

Lisa created a highly secure containment cube,

complete with 25-ton blast-proof doors.

complete with 25-ton blast-proof doors.

No one in the world is capable of escaping.

No one in the world is capable of escaping.

In the past, we've tried trapping Luan the night before,

In the past, we've tried trapping Luan the night before,

but it's made no difference.

but it's made no difference.

So this year we locked her in a week ago.

So this year we locked her in a week ago.

Don't worry, we gave her a friend to keep her company.

Don't worry, we gave her a friend to keep her company.

She's doing fine.

She's doing fine.



It's okay. Lincoln, this is what you trained for.

It's okay. Lincoln, this is what you trained for.

Do not let her get in your head.

Do not let her get in your head.

Could you get me?

Could you get me?

Sorry, I'm really thirsty.

Sorry, I'm really thirsty.

Can you get me a juice or just let me out already?

Can you get me a juice or just let me out already?

I told you guys I'm done with pranking.

I told you guys I'm done with pranking.

I'm a mature gal.

I'm a mature gal.

I'm way too old for childish pranks.

I'm way too old for childish pranks.

You've been saying that all week and we still don't believe you.

You've been saying that all week and we still don't believe you.

Someone else want to go down? Anybody?

Someone else want to go down? Anybody?

Triple dessert for a week. Not worth it.

Triple dessert for a week. Not worth it.

Get down there! Lola, no pushing.

Get down there! Lola, no pushing.

Hey, Luan, I have your breakfast.

Hey, Luan, I have your breakfast.

Sorry. He just makes it so easy.

Sorry. He just makes it so easy.

Luan's really done a number on the family,

Luan realmente fez um estrago na família,

but this year, Dad can kiss those worry ulcers goodbye.

mas este ano, papai pode dar adeus a essas úlceras de preocupação.

April Fool's Day has been officially neutralized.

O Dia da Mentira foi oficialmente neutralizado.

Luan, you hard salami'd me! It wasn't me!

Luan, você me deu uma surra! Não fui eu!

How could I have done that from in here?

Como eu pude fazer isso daqui?

Dang it Luan! Way too old for childish pranks, huh?

Droga Luan! Velho demais para brincadeiras infantis, hein?

Lincoln, wait! It's not me. Honest.

Lincoln, espera! Não sou eu. Sério.

Oops! Watch out! Charles!

Opa! Cuidado! Charles!



We've been gooped!

Fomos enganados!

We've been PB & J'd!

Fomos comidos com pasta de amendoim e geleia!

I thought we locked that lunatic up!

Pensei que tínhamos prendido aquele lunático!

We did! She's still in the basement.

Nós fizemos! Ela ainda está no porão.

I was just down there. Then how is this happening?

Eu estava lá embaixo. Então como isso está acontecendo?

Do not go in the kitchen, bros.

Não entrem na cozinha, manos.

Or anywhere near the fireplace.

Ou em qualquer lugar perto da lareira.

Your father's right. Quick, everyone, to Lisa's bunker.

Seu pai está certo. Rápido, pessoal, para o bunker da Lisa.

Can someone turn on a light? Hold your horses.

Alguém pode acender uma luz? Calma.

I'm looking for the switch.

Estou procurando o interruptor.

We've been compromised. Retreat!

Fomos comprometidos. Retirem-se!

For the love of transistors, save yourselves!

Pelo amor aos transistores, salvem-se!

To the garage!

Para a garagem!

Luan, stop this right now!

Luan, pare com isso agora mesmo!

I keep telling you, I'm retired. There's another prankster afoot.

Eu continuo dizendo, estou aposentado. Tem outro brincalhão a caminho.

Doesn't mean I can't have fun.

Não significa que não posso me divertir.

Okay, this time, instead of Marco Polo,

Ok, desta vez, em vez de Marco Polo,

why don't we just use our real names?

Por que não usamos nossos nomes verdadeiros?

Okay, so I'm...

Ok, então eu estou...


Lincoln, você é um deles?

Boy, you really don't get this game at all, do you?

Rapaz, você realmente não entende nada desse jogo, não é?

Hey Linc! Hey guys.

Olá Linc! Olá, pessoal.

What's all this?

O que é tudo isso?

Well, little bro, you had such a good idea in buying your pool,

Bem, maninho, você teve uma ótima ideia em comprar sua piscina,

we decided to...

nós decidimos...

"pool" our money to get this one.

"juntar" nosso dinheiro para comprar este.

That's using your noodle.

Isso é usar seu macarrão.

Oh, aren't you gonna get in?

Ah, você não vai entrar?

There's totes room for one more.

Ainda há espaço para mais um.

You're gonna let me use your pool

Você vai me deixar usar sua piscina

even though I kicked you out of mine?

mesmo que eu tenha te expulsado da minha?

Well, he was kind of a meanie.

Bom, ele era meio malvado.

Not to mention selfish, And bossy.

Sem mencionar egoísta e mandão.

And he stole my whistle!

E ele roubou meu apito!

But that doesn't mean he can't use our pool.

Mas isso não significa que ele não possa usar nossa piscina.



Well, duh. It's more fun with all of us.

Bem, duh. É mais divertido com todos nós.

Yeah, all ten of us. Leni, there are 11 of us.

Sim, todos nós dez. Leni, somos 11.

Oh, that's right, I forgot Marco.

Ah, é verdade, esqueci do Marco.

Well, in that case. Cannonball!

Bem, nesse caso. Bala de canhão!



Whoa! Dude. Looks like pool's out for summer.

Uau! Cara. Parece que a piscina está fora de questão para o verão.

How are we going to keep cool now?

Como vamos nos refrescar agora?

I'll go get the frozen succotash.

Vou pegar o succotash congelado.

No worries, guys, I got just the thing.

Não se preocupem, rapazes, eu tenho exatamente o que você precisa.

So it turns out that a pool

Então acontece que uma piscina

and basically everything that's awesome in life

e basicamente tudo que é incrível na vida

is more fun when everyone gets to be a part of it.

é mais divertido quando todos participam.

Fecal incident!

Incidente fecal!

You scared me half to death!

Você quase me matou de susto!

I can help with the other half.

Posso ajudar com a outra metade.

How'd the test go, bro? You ace it?

Como foi o teste, mano? Você tirou nota máxima?

No, I got an F!

Não, tirei F!

Oh, and a frowny face. That's cold.

Ah, e uma cara feia. Isso é frio.

I know just "hue" to call. Get it?

Eu sei que é só "matiz" para chamar. Entendeu?

I don't get it! I thought I knew all the answers.

Não entendi! Pensei que soubesse todas as respostas.

Miss Demartino is definitely going to flunk me now.

A senhorita Demartino definitivamente vai me reprovar agora.

Wait. Miss Demartino?

Espera. Senhorita Demartino?

Yeah. She's been our substitute teacher

Sim. Ela foi nossa professora substituta

since Mrs. Johnson broke her leg riding a mechanical bull.

desde que a Sra. Johnson quebrou a perna montando um touro mecânico.

Dude, no wonder you're failing. Miss D is so smoking,

Cara, não é de se espantar que você esteja falhando. A senhorita D é tão gostosa,

guys go completely bonkers around her.

os caras ficam completamente malucos perto dela.

Yeah, even Bobby nearly flunked because of her.

Sim, até o Bobby quase foi reprovado por causa dela.

Of course, that was BL, Before Lori.

Claro, isso era BL, antes de Lori.

Or he never would have noticed her.

Ou ele nunca a teria notado.

But that couldn't happen to me, could it?

Mas isso não poderia acontecer comigo, poderia?

Remember, guys,

Lembrem-se, rapazes,

this is about more than just tonight's dinner.

isso é mais do que apenas o jantar desta noite.

These grilled cheeses really have to change hearts and minds.

Esses queijos grelhados realmente precisam mudar corações e mentes.

Grilled cheese! I want to make a cake!

Queijo grelhado! Quero fazer um bolo!

I can't eat cake for dinner.

Não posso comer bolo no jantar.

I'll literally break out. Let's make shepherd's pie.

Eu vou literalmente sair. Vamos fazer torta de carneiro.

It's Mick Swagger's favorite, dudes.

É o favorito do Mick Swagger, rapazes.

You guys, I got it. Let's make goulash!

Gente, eu entendi. Vamos fazer goulash!

We did all this so we wouldn't have to eat goulash.

Fizemos tudo isso para não precisarmos comer goulash.

And now I miss it.

E agora sinto falta disso.

Might I suggest something more sophisticated?

Posso sugerir algo mais sofisticado?

Perhaps a vichyssoise? We need body fuel.

Talvez um vichyssoise? Precisamos de combustível corporal.

I'll blend us up some protein shakes.

Vou preparar alguns shakes de proteína para nós.

Your brain's been blended

Seu cérebro foi misturado

if you think I'm drinking that barf.

se você acha que eu vou beber esse vômito.

Wait, we can drink barf?

Espera, podemos beber vômito?

Grilled cheese beats all!

Queijo grelhado é melhor que tudo!

Guys, guys, stop!

Pessoal, pessoal, parem!

We'll do a potluck. Everyone make your own dish.

Faremos um potluck. Cada um faz seu próprio prato.

Great idea. Then we'll have nothing to fight about.

Ótima ideia. Então não teremos nada para brigar.

It's mine. I need it for my scampi eggs!

É meu. Preciso dele para meus ovos de camarão!

Well, I need it for my deviled eggs.

Bom, preciso disso para meus ovos cozidos.

Mind if I poach that? Get it?

Se importa se eu roubar isso? Entendeu?



My vichyssoise!

Minha vichyssoise!

My cake!

Meu bolo!

Guys, everything okay in there?

Pessoal, tudo bem aí?

Like awesome!

Que incrível!



Good! Your mom and I are getting hungry for dinner.

Ótimo! Sua mãe e eu estamos com fome para o jantar.

Hope you're almost ready to fork it over.

Espero que você esteja quase pronto para desembolsar.

You guys, we've got nothing.

Gente, não temos nada.

Failure is not an option.

O fracasso não é uma opção.

We have to serve something or we'll be eating the same

Temos que servir alguma coisa ou comeremos a mesma coisa

seven dinners forever.

sete jantares para sempre.

Hey Lincoln! Oy, hey Lucy!

Olá Lincoln! Olá, Lucy!

Hey, Lincoln. Could you help me with a poem for school?

Ei, Lincoln. Você poderia me ajudar com um poema para a escola?

Yeah. My friend Haiku is staying for lunch

Sim. Meu amigo Haiku vai ficar para o almoço

and requested blood sausage.

e pediu morcela.

Friend, I don't see a...

Amigo, não vejo um...

No one goes in, no one comes out.

Ninguém entra, ninguém sai.

Say goodbye to the Queen of No.

Diga adeus à Rainha do Não.

And hello to the King of Yes.

E olá ao Rei do Sim.

Yes to music!

Sim à música!

Yes to mud!

Sim à lama!

Seriously? Yes to phone calls!

Sério? Sim para ligações telefônicas!

And yes to video games!

E sim aos videogames!

Super Mega Brawlers, Turbo Fighter 24.

Super Mega Brawlers, Turbo Fighter 24.

Round one. Fight!

Primeiro round. Luta!

Okay. Have fun.

Certo. Divirta-se.

Just don't get too crazy.

Só não fique muito louco.

Rad sounds, maybe not so loud.

Sons radicais, talvez não tão altos.

What was that?

O que é que foi isso?

It's science. You wouldn't understand.

É ciência. Você não entenderia.

Just keep it on a leash!

Basta mantê-lo na coleira!

Lily, stop!

Lily, pare!

Lana, you can't fish in there.

Lana, você não pode pescar aí.

Those are pets!

Esses são animais de estimação!

Lynn! What are you doing?

Lynn! O que você está fazendo?

Can't ride a dirt bike without dirt.

Não é possível andar de moto sem terra.

Give me that bucket!

Me dá esse balde!

Hi, exterminator guy? Do you do spiders?

Olá, cara exterminador? Você faz aranhas?

Ew! What about water snakes?

Eca! E as cobras d'água?

Lucy, what are you doing with all those diapers?

Lucy, o que você está fazendo com todas essas fraldas?

Incoming. Yow!

Chegando. Uau!

Diaper wall breach!

Violação da parede de fraldas!

For those about to rock...

Para quem está prestes a arrasar...

Luna! No!

Lua! Não!

Lincoln in charge?

Lincoln no comando?

Ha! He couldn't lead Cliff to the litter box.

Ha! Ele não conseguiu levar Cliff até a caixa de areia.

Really, Cliff?

Sério, Cliff?

No guitar playing, no food fights,

Sem tocar violão, sem guerra de comida,

no dirt bikes and no science experiments!

nada de motos de terra e nada de experimentos científicos!

Who do you think you are, Lori?

Quem você pensa que é, Lori?

No, I'm not. Lori!

Não, não estou. Lori!

Hey, no one goes in. No one comes out. Boss's orders.

Ei, ninguém entra. Ninguém sai. Ordens do chefe.

Those were my orders. Let me in.

Essas foram minhas ordens. Deixe-me entrar.

I'm gonna need you to step back, sir.

Preciso que você se afaste, senhor.

Sorry about this, Lola.

Desculpe por isso, Lola.

No, no, no. I'm sorry.

Não, não, não. Sinto muito.

Anyone else? I didn't think so!

Alguém mais? Eu não pensei assim!

Geo! Want a treat, boy?

Geo! Quer uma guloseima, garoto?

They're in my back pocket. Come on, get 'em. Little more.

Estão no meu bolso de trás. Vamos, pegue-os. Um pouco mais.

Yow, too far. Good boy.

Uau, longe demais. Bom garoto.

Lori! Lori!

Lírio! Lírio!

Ha! I knew you wouldn't last five minutes.

Ha! Eu sabia que você não duraria cinco minutos.

It's only been five minutes? It's a madhouse down there.

Só se passaram cinco minutos? É uma loucura lá embaixo.

You gotta help me.

Você tem que me ajudar.

Nah, I'm thinking, Lincoln, you handle it.

Não, estou pensando, Lincoln, você cuida disso.

I can't ! You're the only one who can keep

Eu não posso! Você é o único que pode manter

this house from ending up in a pile of rubble.

esta casa acabe virando uma pilha de escombros.

Or ashes. And?

Ou cinzas. E?

I couldn't lead Cliff to the litter box.

Não consegui levar Cliff até a caixa de areia.

And? I'm sorry.

E? Desculpe.

That's all I needed to hear. Let's roll.

Era tudo o que eu precisava ouvir. Vamos lá.

I don't know how to get past her.

Não sei como passar por ela.

She's an animal.

Ela é um animal.

Glitter! Nice.

Brilho! Legal.

See what I mean?

Entende o que quero dizer?



Mom and Dad are gonna be home in ten minutes!

Mamãe e papai vão chegar em casa em dez minutos!

Brilliant. Yeah.

Brilhante. Sim.

You learn a few tricks as you get older.

Você aprende alguns truques conforme envelhece.

Hey, guys. Anyone seen my bus pass?

Olá, pessoal. Alguém viu meu passe de ônibus?

Did you check your purse? Thanks, I got it.

Você verificou sua bolsa? Obrigado, eu peguei.

Did someone take the credit card?

Alguém pegou o cartão de crédito?

Check your purse. Oh, right.

Verifique sua bolsa. Ah, certo.

Wait, my shopping list!

Espere, minha lista de compras!

The purse, woman!

A bolsa, mulher!

Culottes, jeans, pompom sweater.

Calças culotte, jeans, suéter com pompom.

Going shopping, Leni?

Vai às compras, Leni?

Not just shopping.

Não apenas compras.

Reininger's is having a huge two-day,

A Reininger's está tendo dois dias incríveis,

25% off blowout sale,

25% de desconto na liquidação,

and I made up a dream shopping list for it.

e fiz uma lista de compras dos sonhos para ele.

Yay! New wardrobe.

Oba! Novo guarda-roupa.

Shoot! Where did I put my purse?

Droga! Onde eu coloquei minha bolsa?

Check your arms!

Verifique seus braços!

I'm back!


Are you okay, Leni? Did you wrestle a bear?

Você está bem, Leni? Você lutou com um urso?

Where's your stuff? I didn't get any of it.

Onde estão suas coisas? Não peguei nada.

What? Why?

O quê? Por quê?

Well, you know how shoppers can be.

Bem, você sabe como os compradores podem ser.

Sometimes they're a little grabby and pushy

Às vezes eles são um pouco gananciosos e agressivos

and claw-y and shove-y.

e com garras e empurrões.

Uh, wait. Did you let a bunch of greedy bargain

Uh, espere. Você deixou um bando de gananciosos barganharem

hunters take your stuff?

caçadores pegam suas coisas?

I don't mind. I'll just make new clothes with my old ones.

Não me importo. Vou fazer roupas novas com as minhas velhas.



Poor Leni. This always happens.

Pobre Leni. Isso sempre acontece.

She's too nice for her own good.

Ela é boa demais para o seu próprio bem.

It's true.

É verdade.

Her submissive nature makes her easy prey,

Sua natureza submissa a torna uma presa fácil,

much like the baby wildebeests of the Serengeti.

muito parecido com os filhotes de gnus do Serengeti.

She needs to learn how to be a little tougher.

Ela precisa aprender a ser um pouco mais durona.

A little meaner. More aggressive.

Um pouco mais malvado. Mais agressivo.

More like us.

Mais parecido conosco.

Leni, how would you like to go back to that sale

Leni, você gostaria de voltar àquela venda?

tomorrow and get everything you wanted?

amanhã e conseguir tudo o que você queria?

That's okay. I'm fine.

Tudo bem. Estou bem.

Look, I turned this nightgown into jeans.

Olha, eu transformei essa camisola em jeans.

Oh, wait. Now I don't have a nightgown.

Oh, wait. Now I don't have a nightgown.

Ooh, I can make one out of these other jeans.

Ooh, I can make one out of these other jeans.

Leni, you need to learn to stand up for yourself.

Leni, you need to learn to stand up for yourself.

Yeah. You don't want to be wilted beets in the spaghetti.

Yeah. You don't want to be wilted beets in the spaghetti.

Close enough. But don't worry.

Close enough. But don't worry.

We're here to teach you how to become a more assertive,

We're here to teach you how to become a more assertive,

decisive person.

decisive person.

Well, okay, if you guys want.

Well, okay, if you guys want.

I'm just happy when you're happy.

I'm just happy when you're happy.

We have a lot of work to do.

We have a lot of work to do.

Tomorrow you're going back to that mall as a new Leni,

Tomorrow you're going back to that mall as a new Leni,

and the new Leni doesn't let people cut ahead of her in line.

and the new Leni doesn't let people cut ahead of her in line.

Ten hut!

Ten hut!

Now, you're number one in the bathroom line.

Now, you're number one in the bathroom line.

Don't let anyone make you number two. Get it?

Don't let anyone make you number two. Get it?

I don't, but don't worry. No one's gonna cut.

I don't, but don't worry. No one's gonna cut.

I'm feeling the surprise part of Dad's taco surprise.

I'm feeling the surprise part of Dad's taco surprise.

Oh, you gotta let me cut Leni! Oh, you poor thing.

Oh, you gotta let me cut Leni! Oh, you poor thing.

Go right ahead.

Go right ahead.

All right, step aside and watch a pro do it.

All right, step aside and watch a pro do it.

Lori. Your assistance.

Lori. Your assistance.

Ahem. I'm in a hurry, Lola.

Ahem. I'm in a hurry, Lola.

Let me cut.

Let me cut.

How are you so freakishly strong!

How are you so freakishly strong!

I hope you like the taste of floor!

I hope you like the taste of floor!

Tackle, pin, catchphrase. Got it!

Tackle, pin, catchphrase. Got it!

Second lesson.

Second lesson.

The new Leni isn't afraid to go after what she wants.

The new Leni isn't afraid to go after what she wants.

There's some rockin' threads on that clearance table,

There's some rockin' threads on that clearance table,

but you got major peeps blocking your way.

but you got major peeps blocking your way.

What are you gonna do, dude?

What are you gonna do, dude?

I'm gonna get those threads!

I'm gonna get those threads!

So sorry. Would you mind moving?

So sorry. Would you mind moving?



I can wait until you're ready.

I can wait until you're ready.

Yo, LJ, show her how it's done.

Yo, LJ, show her how it's done.

With pleasure.

With pleasure.

Hut, hut! Take a hike!

Hut, hut! Take a hike!

Oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-huh!

Oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-huh!

Hey, Bobby gave me that sweater!

Hey, Bobby gave me that sweater!

Run, block. Do a dance. Got it.

Run, block. Do a dance. Got it.

Rise and shine, Lily. We've got a lot to do today.

Rise and shine, Lily. We've got a lot to do today.

Now batting number two, Lily Loud!

Now batting number two, Lily Loud!



Whoa! Lynn, what are you doing?

Whoa! Lynn, what are you doing?

Dude, you're not the only one in this family who doesn't

Dude, you're not the only one in this family who doesn't

have someone to do stuff with.

have someone to do stuff with.

Lily's gonna be my sports buddy.

Lily's gonna be my sports buddy.

Hey, this was my idea, and I want her back.

Hey, this was my idea, and I want her back.

You don't own her. She wants to hang with me.

You don't own her. She wants to hang with me.

Introducing Luan Loud and her amazing dummy,

Introducing Luan Loud and her amazing dummy,



Say, Lily, who's your favorite singer?

Say, Lily, who's your favorite singer?

Lady... Gaga!

Lady... Gaga!

What's your favorite Hawaiian platter?

What's your favorite Hawaiian platter?



Hey, that's no dummy. That's my cleanup hitter.

Hey, that's no dummy. That's my cleanup hitter.

No! She's mine.

No! She's mine.



This is Grandma Harriet. And this is Abraham Lincoln.

This is Grandma Harriet. And this is Abraham Lincoln.

Uh, Lucy, what are you doing?

Uh, Lucy, what are you doing?

I'm introducing Lily to my ghost friends.

I'm introducing Lily to my ghost friends.

She already has a friend named Lincoln.

She already has a friend named Lincoln.



Black is not your color. Orange is!

Black is not your color. Orange is!

Dang it!

Dang it!

Now, Dylan can only pick one girl

Now, Dylan can only pick one girl

to spend the rest of his life with.

to spend the rest of his life with.

And it better be Marisol.

And it better be Marisol.

Yeah, you're right.

Yeah, you're right.

Maybe he will be happier with Tiffany.

Maybe he will be happier with Tiffany.

Give her back, Lori!

Give her back, Lori!

Why should you get her?

Why should you get her?

I've literally been waiting 17 years for someone in this family

I've literally been waiting 17 years for someone in this family

who likes the things I like.

who likes the things I like.



Oh thank goodness!

Oh thank goodness!

I got in here to show Lily my fashion magazine.

I got in here to show Lily my fashion magazine.

But now I can't get out of this baby prison.

But now I can't get out of this baby prison.

Upsy-daisy! There you go, Leni.

Upsy-daisy! There you go, Leni.



Hold it!

Hold it!

Are you nuts? Come on, Lincoln.

Are you nuts? Come on, Lincoln.

No one in this family ever willingly

No one in this family ever willingly

lets me do experiments on them.

lets me do experiments on them.

Lisa, she's a baby.

Lisa, she's a baby.

I was going to give her a sucker afterward.

I was going to give her a sucker afterward.

Look, everyone, just stay away from Lily.

Look, everyone, just stay away from Lily.

She's my little Lincoln!

She's my little Lincoln!

Uh... What?

Uh... What?

Dang it!

Dang it!

Stage dive!

Stage dive!

Where's Lily?

Where's Lily?

More tea, Lady Lillington?

More tea, Lady Lillington?

She doesn't want to have a dumb tea party.

She doesn't want to have a dumb tea party.

She wants to play with Izzie.

She wants to play with Izzie.

No she doesn't. Yes she does.

No she doesn't. Yes she does.

No she doesn't. Yes she does.

No she doesn't. Yes she does.

Dudes, give her back!

Dudes, give her back!

We were in the middle of a jam sesh.

We were in the middle of a jam sesh.

She was my specimen.

She was my specimen.

We were talking to Great Grandma Harriet.

We were talking to Great Grandma Harriet.

We were playing ball.

We were playing ball.

We were getting ready to take our show on the road.

We were getting ready to take our show on the road.

We were gonna look at my magazines.

We were gonna look at my magazines.

We were watching Dylan's Date.

We were watching Dylan's Date.

BT dubs, Lori.

BT dubs, Lori.

Grandma Harriet knows you regifted her brooch

Grandma Harriet knows you regifted her brooch

and she is not happy about it.

and she is not happy about it.

Give us back Lily!

Give us back Lily!

Where do you think you're going?

Where do you think you're going?

I'll take that.

I'll take that.

Oh, no you don't!

Oh, no you don't!

Whoops! Sorry, Linc.

Whoops! Sorry, Linc.

Sorry, Yummy.

Sorry, Yummy.

Lily's invisible?

Lily's invisible?



Dang it.

Dang it.

Look, we all want Lily to be our mini me, right?

Look, we all want Lily to be our mini me, right?

Well, there's only one way to settle this.

Well, there's only one way to settle this.

We'll let Lily choose.

We'll let Lily choose.

Now, whoever Lily crawls to is the one she wants to be with.

Now, whoever Lily crawls to is the one she wants to be with.



Come on, it's Ace Savvy.

Come on, it's Ace Savvy.

Wouldn't you like to be my friend?

Wouldn't you like to be my friend?

Come on inside! Meet Izzy!

Come on inside! Meet Izzy!

Look at the magazine.

Look at the magazine.

Marisol? Extra sugar!

Marisol? Extra sugar!

Walk this way. Abe Lincoln.

Walk this way. Abe Lincoln.

I have more suckers!

I have more suckers!



You want to hang out with babies?

You want to hang out with babies?

Then let's hang.

Then let's hang.

Hey look, Lily's coming to me!

Hey look, Lily's coming to me!

Nuh-uh, to me! To me!

Não, não, para mim! Para mim!

She chose Clyde?

Ela escolheu Clyde?

I have something to say to you, little miss friend stealer.

Tenho algo a dizer para você, pequena ladra de amigos.

You are... absolutely adorable.

Você é... absolutamente adorável.

No wonder Lincoln wants to hang with you.

Não é de se espantar que Lincoln queira sair com você.

Clyde, why are you wearing a diaper?

Clyde, por que você está usando fralda?

You replaced me with Lily,

Você me substituiu por Lily,

so I thought this was the only way to win you back.

então pensei que essa era a única maneira de reconquistar você.

I'd never replace you. You're my best friend.

Eu nunca te substituiria. Você é meu melhor amigo.



Her blankie. Of course. Now I get it, you guys.

O cobertorzinho dela. Claro. Agora eu entendi, pessoal.

We can't mold Lily.

Não podemos moldar Lily.

No matter what we do, she's always

Não importa o que façamos, ela está sempre

going to want the things she wants.

vai querer as coisas que ela quer.

Besides, I forgot I already have someone

Além disso, esqueci que já tenho alguém

who likes everything I like.

que gosta de tudo que eu gosto.

What do you say, Clyde? Want to hang?

O que você diz, Clyde? Quer sair?

Sorry, Lincoln.

Desculpe, Lincoln.

Lily and I have plans. Hey, Lily.

Lily e eu temos planos. Ei, Lily.

What has four thumbs and loves milk?

O que tem quatro polegares e adora leite?

These guys!

Esses caras!

Can't believe you got us kicked out of here.

Não acredito que você fez com que fôssemos expulsos daqui.

Can I just get my cereal?

Posso pegar só meu cereal?



But my Zombie Bran!

Mas meu Bran Zumbi!



And now to get out before we're kicked out.

E agora é hora de sair antes que sejamos expulsos.

Come on, people, let's go. Move it!

Vamos lá, pessoal, vamos lá. Mexam-se!

Check it out, babe. Oh, Boo Boo Bear.

Olha só, gata. Oh, Urso Boo Boo.

You're such an amazing artist.

Você é uma artista incrível.

Nah, babe, you're just an amazing muse.

Não, querida, você é uma musa incrível.

Let's go!


Because I'm this close to getting my cereal,

Porque estou tão perto de comer meu cereal,

and I don't want you guys to ruin it.

e eu não quero que vocês estraguem isso.

Whoa whoa whoa. What do you mean, your cereal?

Whoa whoa whoa. O que você quer dizer com seu cereal?

I made a deal with Mom.

Fiz um acordo com a mamãe.

If I had enough money left

Se eu tivesse dinheiro suficiente sobrando

after getting all the groceries,

depois de pegar todas as compras,

I could get my Zombie Bran.

Eu poderia pegar meu farelo de zumbi.

Well, if you get a treat, I want a treat.

Bom, se você ganhar uma guloseima, eu quero uma guloseima.

Yeah, I want Little Princess pies.

Sim, eu quero tortas da Princesinha.

I want blood pudding.

Eu quero morcela.

I could re-up on my sodium bicarbonate.

Eu poderia repor meu bicarbonato de sódio.

And I want dog biscuits!

E eu quero biscoitos para cachorro!

But for Charles, I swear!

Mas por Charles, eu juro!

Even though they are great for my teeth and my coat.

Even though they are great for my teeth and my coat.

No way. There's no money left.

No way. There's no money left.

Well, there will be if we put this back.

Well, there will be if we put this back.

Give me that! I worked my butt off to get it!

Give me that! I worked my butt off to get it!



I thought I already got rid of you, hooligan!

I thought I already got rid of you, hooligan!

Now I want you out of my store. And take your sisters with you.

Now I want you out of my store. And take your sisters with you.

I'll take that!

I'll take that!

But... my zombie Bran.

But... my zombie Bran.

Boo-Boo Bear! Push broom!

Boo-Boo Bear! Push broom!

Well, isn't this wonderful?

Well, isn't this wonderful?

I guess I'll be shopping in the next town over for a while.

I guess I'll be shopping in the next town over for a while.

I'm sorry, Mom, but it's not all my fault.

I'm sorry, Mom, but it's not all my fault.

I don't want to hear about it.

I don't want to hear about it.

You told me you could handle the grocery shopping,

You told me you could handle the grocery shopping,

but clearly you cannot.

but clearly you cannot.

But Zombie Bran!

But Zombie Bran!

You can forget about that cereal, Lincoln.

You can forget about that cereal, Lincoln.

But... End of discussion.

But... End of discussion.

Bored of the same old breakfast?

Bored of the same old breakfast?

Then try Zombie Bran.

Then try Zombie Bran.

The cereal that turns you into the walking fed!

The cereal that turns you into the walking fed!



Now in new Raisin the Dead flavor.

Now in new Raisin the Dead flavor.

Very funny, guys. I'm not in the mood.

Very funny, guys. I'm not in the mood.



You got me my cereal!

You got me my cereal!

It's the least we could do.

It's the least we could do.

The only reason you didn't get this was because of us.

The only reason you didn't get this was because of us.

I only have one thing to say to you all.

I only have one thing to say to you all.





Come on, Mom, you know sports aren't my thing.

Come on, Mom, you know sports aren't my thing.



I know, honey, but you left me no choice.

I know, honey, but you left me no choice.

One way or another, you have to get some exercise.

One way or another, you have to get some exercise.

Mom, wait.

Mom, wait.

Look, I'm exercising right now.

Look, I'm exercising right now.

Ow, ow! Charley horse!

Ow, ow! Charley horse!

Clearly I cannot play football.

Clearly I cannot play football.

Fortunately, in a big family,

Fortunately, in a big family,

there's always someone who can help you out of a jam.

there's always someone who can help you out of a jam.

An injury to get out of sports?

An injury to get out of sports?

That can be arranged.

That can be arranged.

Just not the face.

Just not the face.

We'll see.

We'll see.

Go easy, okay? We'll see.

Go easy, okay? We'll see.

You want an injury? I'll give you one.

You want an injury? I'll give you one.

Ow! Ow! Charley horse!

Ow! Ow! Charley horse!

Oh, we're wrestling? Cool!

Oh, we're wrestling? Cool!

Lola, that's unnecessary roughness.

Lola, that's unnecessary roughness.

Well, he deserves it!

Well, he deserves it!

I was trying to help him get out of playing football,

I was trying to help him get out of playing football,

and he made me total my car.

and he made me total my car.

And I just put in the cupcake air freshener!

And I just put in the cupcake air freshener!

Wait. Get out of playing football?

Wait. Get out of playing football?

Why would you want to do that? Football rules.

Why would you want to do that? Football rules.

Maybe for you. I don't even know how to play.

Maybe for you. I don't even know how to play.

Plus, I'm going to get my butt kicked.

Plus, I'm going to get my butt kicked.

You got that right! That's enough. Hit the showers.

You got that right! That's enough. Hit the showers.

You forget that you've got a secret weapon. Me!

You forget that you've got a secret weapon. Me!

I'll teach you everything you need to know about football.

I'll teach you everything you need to know about football.

Um... Good. Now drop and give me 20.

Um... Good. Now drop and give me 20.

I've only got a five.

I've only got a five.





If you clowns are done, we need the field.

If you clowns are done, we need the field.

We got to practice for Junior Football League.

We got to practice for Junior Football League.

You guys are playing junior football too?

You guys are playing junior football too?

What team are you on? The Hazeltucky Hockers!

What team are you on? The Hazeltucky Hockers!

What team are you on? The Royal Woods Roosters.

What team are you on? The Royal Woods Roosters.

Cock a doodle doo!

Cock a doodle doo!

Nice cheer.

Nice cheer.

When we play you, you're cock a doodle doomed!

When we play you, you're cock a doodle doomed!

Yeah, I'm gonna pluck me a few feathers.

Yeah, I'm gonna pluck me a few feathers.

You chumps are lucky I'm not playing

You chumps are lucky I'm not playing

'cause I'd whoop all your butts!

'cause I'd whoop all your butts!

Sure you would, Ponytail.

Sure you would, Ponytail.

Lynn, that's a brilliant idea.

Lynn, that's a brilliant idea.

You could pretend to be me and play in my place.

You could pretend to be me and play in my place.

Yeah, right.

Yeah, right.

I'm in! Hey Lincoln.

I'm in! Hey Lincoln.

Lucy, what are you doing in here?

Lucy, what are you doing in here?

I come here to think.

I come here to think.

I actually just wrote a new poem called Ventilate.

I actually just wrote a new poem called Ventilate.

These will put a ro-dent in the burglars' plans!

These will put a ro-dent in the burglars' plans!

Get it? They're mouse traps.

Get it? They're mouse traps.

Really, dude? Ow!

Really, dude? Ow!

Hey, Bobby. My roller derby team is going to help you patrol.

Hey, Bobby. My roller derby team is going to help you patrol.

Hmm. Do they have any policing experience?

Hmm. Do they have any policing experience?

No, but they can do this.

No, but they can do this.

You're hired.

You're hired.

Good evening, parental units.

Good evening, parental units.

We are going to need to conduct a routine body search.

We are going to need to conduct a routine body search.

What in the world is going on?

What in the world is going on?

Mr. Grouse got robbed!

Mr. Grouse got robbed!

We need to beef up security. We used your credit card.

We need to beef up security. We used your credit card.

Kids, I'm glad you're taking this seriously,

Kids, I'm glad you're taking this seriously,

but you may have gone a little overboard.

but you may have gone a little overboard.

A little?

A little?

We don't need all this security!

We don't need all this security!

If we just lock the doors and windows,

If we just lock the doors and windows,

we'll be fine. Now everyone to bed.

we'll be fine. Now everyone to bed.

I'm still going to need those stool samples.

I'm still going to need those stool samples.

Thanks for pretending to be robbed.

Thanks for pretending to be robbed.

I think my kids really learned their lesson.

I think my kids really learned their lesson.

I would have scared them for free.

I would have scared them for free.

But I'll gladly take your muffins.

But I'll gladly take your muffins.

Lock. Dad would be so proud.

Lock. Dad would be so proud.



Battle stations guys,

Battle stations guys,

we've got a burglar on the premises.

we've got a burglar on the premises.

Oh my gosh! What do we do?

Oh my gosh! What do we do?

He's going to take all our stuff.

He's going to take all our stuff.

Get it together, woman. Thanks. I needed that.

Get it together, woman. Thanks. I needed that.

But I'll get you back.

But I'll get you back.

Don't trouble yourself or anything, Charles.

Don't trouble yourself or anything, Charles.

Ouch, ouch, ouch!

Ouch, ouch, ouch!

Eat hot bacon grease!

Eat hot bacon grease!

Make that congealed bacon grease.

Make that congealed bacon grease.

Keep a tight formation, ladies. This is what we trained for.

Keep a tight formation, ladies. This is what we trained for.

Wait, wait. I recognize those dancing shoes!

Wait, wait. I recognize those dancing shoes!

Off! Off!

Off! Off!



I was just taking a walk, and I got locked out.

I was just taking a walk, and I got locked out.

Sorry Dad!

Sorry Dad!



There they are!

There they are!

Lori! Bobby! We saved you a spot.

Lori! Bobby! We saved you a spot.

No, we saved you a spot.

No, we saved you a spot.

Um, how about we sit in the middle?

Um, how about we sit in the middle?

Here, try my turkey-skin infused stuffing. You're gonna love it.

Here, try my turkey-skin infused stuffing. You're gonna love it.

But first try my tamales. I added an extra kick.

But first try my tamales. I added an extra kick.

An extra kick? That's cute.

An extra kick? That's cute.

They don't want heat, they want sweet.

They don't want heat, they want sweet.

Here, kids, taste my marshmallow covered potatoes.

Here, kids, taste my marshmallow covered potatoes.

How do you know what they want?

How do you know what they want?

They're clearly craving my homemade shredded turkey mole.

They're clearly craving my homemade shredded turkey mole.

I'd like to make a toast!

I'd like to make a toast!

Bobby, Lori, I just want to say how much it means

Bobby, Lori, I just want to say how much it means

to have you here with us.

to have you here with us.

I don't know if I can get through this.

I don't know if I can get through this.

Oh, Mom!

Oh, Mom!

Excuse me, if I might.

Excuse me, if I might.

I'm sure it means a lot to you, Rita, but with all respect,

I'm sure it means a lot to you, Rita, but with all respect,

it means more to us.

it means more to us.

Well, Hector, that seems really unlikely,

Well, Hector, that seems really unlikely,

because nothing means more to us, okay?

because nothing means more to us, okay?

Oh, really? Is that so?

Oh, really? Is that so?

Yeah. That's right. Forget the toast.

Yeah. That's right. Forget the toast.

I can say it's so much better with music.

I can say it's so much better with music.

We love Bobby and Lori

We love Bobby and Lori

More than anyone In the world

More than anyone In the world



Oopsie. How dare you?

Oopsie. How dare you?

Control your children!

Control your children!

It is not safe to have Thanksgiving in this house.

It is not safe to have Thanksgiving in this house.

Well, if you don't like it, you're welcome to leave.

Well, if you don't like it, you're welcome to leave.

Not you, Bobby. You can stay.

Not you, Bobby. You can stay.

That's what you want, isn't it?

That's what you want, isn't it?

To steal our precious Roberto away from us.

To steal our precious Roberto away from us.

Oh, oh, oh,

Oh, oh, oh,

like you haven't been trying to steal Lori from us?

like you haven't been trying to steal Lori from us?

Well, guess what, bucko? It's not gonna happen.

Well, guess what, bucko? It's not gonna happen.

Guys, guys, please stop!

Guys, guys, please stop!

Stay out of this!

Stay out of this!

Why would anybody want to spend Thanksgiving here

Why would anybody want to spend Thanksgiving here

gnawing on your dry bird?

gnawing on your dry bird?

The turgooseon is delicious!

The turgooseon is delicious!

Maybe the problem is your lumpy gravy!

Maybe the problem is your lumpy gravy!

Did someone say gravy?

Did someone say gravy?

No, they don't deserve it.

No, they don't deserve it.

Ah! Malfunction. Malfunction.

Ah! Mau funcionamento. Mau funcionamento.

My painting!

Minha pintura!

That's enough! I know a way to settle this.

Já chega! Eu sei uma maneira de resolver isso.

Yeah! Arm wrestle! Let's go!

Sim! Queda de braço! Vamos lá!

No, let's just ask Lori and Bobby

Não, vamos perguntar para Lori e Bobby

where they would rather spend Thanksgiving.

onde eles prefeririam passar o Dia de Ação de Graças.

Huh? Where'd they go?

Hein? Para onde eles foram?

Fare thee well, young maiden.

Adeus, jovem donzela.

We are setting forth for the Renaissance Fair.

Estamos partindo para a Feira Renascentista.

Know that we are proud of thy newfound responsibility.

Saiba que estamos orgulhosos de sua nova responsabilidade.

I don't know what that means, but thank you.

Não sei o que isso significa, mas obrigado.

I think what your dad means is you're going to do great.

Acho que o que seu pai quer dizer é que você vai se sair muito bem.

Please don't let the house burn down.

Por favor, não deixe a casa pegar fogo.

I got this. Just one night.

Eu consegui. Só uma noite.

Oldest sibling.

Irmão mais velho.

What's going on, guys?

O que está acontecendo, pessoal?

Lola's trying to take my money. It's my money, I spotted it.

Lola está tentando pegar meu dinheiro. É meu dinheiro, eu o vi.

I was the one who fished it out of the sewer.

Fui eu quem o pescou do esgoto.

Give it!


Come on. Stop fighting, please.

Vamos. Parem de brigar, por favor.

Ugh! Ew!


Yep. That's me.

Sim. Sou eu.

I just got sprayed by a skunk.

Acabei de ser atingido por um gambá.

He wasn't down for it at first, but I talked him into it.

No começo ele não gostou, mas eu o convenci.

Leni, could you help me make room for this?

Leni, você poderia me ajudar a abrir espaço para isso?

Sure. Is that lime jelly? No, it's a spleen.

Claro. Isso é geleia de limão? Não, é um baço.



Leni? Hello?

Leni? Alô?

Yep. She is officially in over her head.

Sim. Ela está oficialmente perdida.

I mean, Lori would have handled all this in two seconds flat.

Quer dizer, Lori teria resolvido tudo isso em dois segundos.

Poor thing. Huh? Lori!

Coitadinha. Hein? Lori!

That's it!

É isso!

Lori, help!

Lori, socorro!

Mom and dad are gone, and I'm in charge.

Mamãe e papai se foram, e eu estou no comando.

And I don't know how to do, like, anything.

E eu não sei fazer nada.

Sorry, Leni, but I'm at practice.

Desculpe, Leni, mas estou no treino.

Can I call you back?

Posso te ligar de volta?

No please, Lori, just help me out this one time

Não, por favor, Lori, só me ajude dessa vez

and I'll never call you ever again,

e eu nunca mais vou te ligar,

I promise.

Eu prometo.

Well, that's a little extreme. Just tell me what's going on.

Bem, isso é um pouco extremo. Só me diga o que está acontecendo.

Okay, guys, you're gonna split the money,

Ok, rapazes, vocês vão dividir o dinheiro,

and that's final. That's not how money works.

e ponto final. Não é assim que o dinheiro funciona.

Can you proof this?

Você pode provar isso?

Sergei is letting me create the menu this week,

Sergei está me deixando criar o menu esta semana,

and I need to make a good impression.

e preciso causar uma boa impressão.

Uh, menu doesn't have a Y in it.

Ah, o menu não tem um Y.

Mm, are you sure? Remember, it's a French word.

Mm, você tem certeza? Lembre-se, é uma palavra francesa.

Mom, I don't feel so good.

Mãe, não me sinto muito bem.

Oh, honey, are you getting sick?

Ah, querida, você está ficando doente?

No, I just had one too many earthworms.

Não, eu só comi minhocas a mais.

Oh, sweet. You found my other skate. Thanks, Mom.

Oh, que fofo. Você encontrou meu outro skate. Obrigada, mãe.

No problem. Okay!

Sem problemas. Ok!

Lisa, what did you do?

Lisa, o que você fez?



Turns out my flea powder is more potent than I realized.

Acontece que meu pó antipulgas é mais potente do que eu imaginava.

We have fleas? Oh, great.

Temos pulgas? Ah, ótimo.

Mommy, my hose are bunching!

Mamãe, minhas meias estão amassadas!

No, I literally need the hairspray.

Não, eu literalmente preciso do spray de cabelo.

Look at these cowlicks!

Olhe para esses redemoinhos!

But my bump is going flat.

Mas minha barriga está ficando lisa.

Girls, if you can't share it, I get it.

Meninas, se vocês não podem compartilhar, eu entendo.



Guess that was hair dye, not hair spray.

Acho que era tinta de cabelo, não spray.

Which you totes pull off!

Que vocês todos fazem!

Okay, high schoolers, got everything you need?

Certo, estudantes do ensino médio, já têm tudo o que precisam?

Great. Have a good day. Bye.

Ótimo. Tenha um bom dia. Tchau.

Wait! I can't find my whoopee cushion.

Espere! Não consigo encontrar minha almofada whoopee.

I don't have time for...

Não tenho tempo para...

Thanks, Mom. Toot-aloo.

Obrigada, mãe. Tuu ...

Oh, Mom, I forgot it's my turn to bring

Ah, mãe, esqueci que é minha vez de trazer

the team snack for practice. Uh.

o lanche da equipe para o treino. Uh.

Here's a half-eaten banana.

Aqui está uma banana comida pela metade.

Just, you know, cut off the brown parts.

Apenas corte as partes marrons.

Oh no! I'm here, Officer.

Ah, não! Estou aqui, policial.

Ma'am, are you aware that you're parked in the bus zone?

Senhora, você sabia que está estacionada na zona de ônibus?

Oh, I didn't even see that.

Ah, eu nem vi isso.

Well, apparently there's a lot you don't see.

Bem, aparentemente há muita coisa que você não vê.

This is your 50th parking violation.

Esta é sua 50ª infração de estacionamento.

Oh, it can't be that many.

Ah, não pode ser tanto.

I mean, I know I've gotten a few, but...

Quer dizer, eu sei que recebi algumas, mas...

Oh, wow. I'm so sorry.

Nossa, sinto muito.

You know, I'm shuttling 11 kids around,

Sabe, estou levando 11 crianças para todo lado,

and sometimes I don't see the parking signs.

e às vezes não vejo as placas de estacionamento.

Hey, isn't this the time of year

Ei, não é essa época do ano?

you sell those police fundraising calendars?

você vende aqueles calendários de arrecadação de fundos da polícia?

Yes, it is, but I'm not sure you can afford one

Sim, é, mas não tenho certeza se você pode pagar por um

because you now owe the city $2,000 in parking tickets.

porque agora você deve à cidade US$ 2.000 em multas de estacionamento.

What? I can't possibly pay that.

O quê? Não posso pagar isso.

Well, there is another option.

Bem, há outra opção.

Giving me community service!

Me dando serviço comunitário!

Just see what happens next time when you call

Veja o que acontece na próxima vez que você ligar

trying to sell those calendars.

tentando vender esses calendários.

Maybe this won't be so bad.

Talvez isso não seja tão ruim.

Huh? Well, that didn't take long.

Hein? Bem, isso não demorou muito.

Guess I have time to relax.

Acho que tenho tempo para relaxar.



Oh, is it already over?

Ah, já acabou?

Too bad I only got one day of community service.

Pena que só consegui um dia de serviço comunitário.

You really need to watch where you're parking, ma'am.

Você realmente precisa tomar cuidado onde estaciona, senhora.

All right. That's going to be...

Tudo bem. Isso vai ser...

I'll just take the community service.

Vou aceitar apenas o serviço comunitário.

Come on, guys, I need to hear feet on the floor.

Vamos lá, pessoal, preciso ouvir passos no chão.

You too, Lincoln.

Você também, Lincoln.

Ugh, Mom, that vest is a no.

Ah, mãe, esse colete é um não.

Honey, I have to wear this for community service.

Querida, tenho que usar isso para serviço comunitário.

Bogus. You're doing that again?

Falso. Você está fazendo isso de novo?

I'm sorry, kids,

Sinto muito, crianças,

I've got another ding dang ticket.

Tenho outra multa.

Believe me, I don't like this any more than you do.

Acredite, eu não gosto disso mais do que você.

Mom! But I need you to wash my uniform.

Mãe! Mas preciso que você lave meu uniforme.

And I can't find my blue notebook.

E não consigo encontrar meu caderno azul.

Who's gonna French braid my hair?

Quem vai fazer uma trança francesa no meu cabelo?

I need you to help me steam clean

Preciso que você me ajude a limpar a vapor

my coffin for show and tell.

meu caixão para mostrar e contar.

Poo-poo! Poo-poo!

Cocô! Cocô!

Guys, it's just one more day.

Pessoal, é só mais um dia.

I'm sure between yourselves and your father,

Tenho certeza entre vocês e seu pai,

you can handle everything.

você pode lidar com tudo.

Wait. What's that now? Bye. Have a good day.

Espere. O que foi isso agora? Tchau. Tenha um bom dia.

Uh, one chocolate and one acorn.

Hum, um chocolate e uma bolota.

Oh, another wonderful day.

Ah, outro dia maravilhoso.

Well, little guy, this has been a nice break,

Bem, rapaz, esta foi uma boa pausa,

but I'm ready to go back home.

mas estou pronto para voltar para casa.

I'm not ready.

Não estou pronto.

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Divirta-se e Aprenda Inglês com: Os Momentos Mais Caóticos Da Loud Familys | The Loud House. Tradução com Legendas em Inglês e Português.
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