Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Driving down the street
Descendo pela rua
Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Beep, beep, beep
Bip, bip, bip
Here come the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Look at it go
Olha ele indo
Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Wave hello
Acene e diga olá
Oo ee oo
Oo ee oo
Connect the hose
Conecte a mangueira
Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Driving down the street
Descendo pela rua
Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Beep, beep, beep
Bip, bip, bip
Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Look at it go
Olha ele indo
Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Wave hello
Acene e diga olá
Oo ee oo
Oo ee oo
Raise the ladder
Levante a escada
Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Driving down the street
Descendo pela rua
Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Beep, beep, beep
Bip, bip, bip
Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Look at it go
Olha ele indo
Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Wave hello
Acene e diga olá
Oo ee oo
Oo ee oo
Spray the water
Jogue a água
Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Driving down the street
Descendo pela rua
Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Beep, beep, beep
Bip, bip, bip
Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Look at it go
Olha ele indo
Here comes the fire truck
Lá vem o caminhão de bombeiros
Wave hello
Acene e diga olá
Oo ee oo
Oo ee oo
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